216B.17 COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION AND HEARING. Subdivision 1. Investigation. On its own motion or upon a complaint made against any public utility, by the governing body of any political subdivision, by another public utility, by the department, or by any 50 consumers of the particular utility that any of the rates, tolls, tariffs, charges, or schedules […]
216B.18 SERVICE OF NOTICE. Service of notice of all hearings, investigations, and proceedings pending before the commission and of complaints, reports, orders, and other documents must be made personally, by electronic service as provided in section 216.17, or by mail as the commission may direct. Regulated utilities and state agencies must provide an electronic address […]
216B.19 JOINT HEARING AND INVESTIGATION. In the discharge of its duties under Laws 1974, chapter 429, the commission or the department may cooperate with similar commissions of other states and any federal agency and may hold joint hearings and make joint investigations with other commissions. History: 1974 c 429 s 19; 1980 c 614 s […]
216B.20 SEPARATE RATE HEARING. The commission may, in its discretion, when complaint is made of more than one rate or charge, order separate hearings thereon, and may consider and determine the several matters complained of separately and at times it may prescribe. History: 1974 c 429 s 20
216B.21 SUMMARY INVESTIGATION. Subdivision 1. Authority. Whenever the commission has reason to believe that any rate or charge may be unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory or that any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained or that an investigation of any matter relating to any public utility should for any reason be made, it may on […]
216B.22 MUNICIPALITY; AMICUS CURIAE AUTHORITY. Any municipality that regulates and controls the exercise of a public utility franchise by reason of its home rule charter on January 1, 1975, is authorized to assist the Public Utilities Commission as amicus curiae in any proceeding brought before the commission with respect to the rates, fares, prices, regulation, […]
216B.23 LAWFUL RATE; REASONABLE SERVICE. Subdivision 1. Determination as to rate; order. Whenever upon an investigation made under the provisions of Laws 1974, chapter 429, the commission shall find rates, tolls, charges, schedules or joint rates to be unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, or unjustly discriminatory or preferential or otherwise unreasonable or unlawful, the commission shall determine […]