216B.091 MONTHLY REPORTS. (a) Each public utility must report the following data on residential customers to the commission monthly, in a format determined by the commission: (1) number of customers; (2) number and total amount of accounts past due; (3) average customer past due amount; (4) total revenue received from the low-income home energy assistance […]
216B.0951 PROPANE PREPURCHASE PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The commissioner of commerce shall operate, or contract to operate, a propane fuel prepurchase fuel program. The commissioner may contract at any time of the year to purchase the lesser of one-third of the liquid propane fuel consumed by low-income home energy assistance program recipients during the previous […]
216B.096 COLD WEATHER RULE; PUBLIC UTILITY. Subdivision 1. Scope. This section applies only to residential customers of a utility. Subd. 2. Definitions. (a) The terms used in this section have the meanings given them in this subdivision. (b) “Cold weather period” means the period from October 1 through April 30 of the following year. (c) […]
216B.097 COLD WEATHER RULE; COOPERATIVE OR MUNICIPAL UTILITY. Subdivision 1. Application; notice to residential customer. (a) A municipal utility or a cooperative electric association must not disconnect and must reconnect the utility service of a residential customer during the period between October 1 and April 30 if the disconnection affects the primary heat source for […]
216B.0975 DISCONNECTION DURING EXTREME HEAT CONDITIONS. A utility may not effect an involuntary disconnection of residential services in affected counties when an excessive heat watch, heat advisory, or excessive heat warning issued by the National Weather Service is in effect. For purposes of this section, “utility” means a public utility providing electric service, municipal utility, […]
216B.0976 NOTICE OF UTILITY DISCONNECTION. Subdivision 1. Notice required. Notwithstanding section 13.685 or any other law or administrative rule to the contrary, a public utility, cooperative electric association, or municipal utility must provide notice to a statutory city or home rule charter city, and to the department, as prescribed by this section, of disconnection of […]
216B.098 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PROTECTIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. The provisions of this section apply to residential customers of public utilities, municipal utilities, and cooperative electric associations. Each municipal utility and cooperative electric association may establish terms and conditions for the plans and agreements required under subdivisions 2 and 3. Subd. 2. Budget billing plans. A utility […]
216B.0991 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of sections 216B.0991 to 216B.0995, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Customer. “Customer” means a person who has an established relationship with a propane distributor and whose propane system meets the safety guidelines established by the propane distributor for residential […]
216B.0992 PRICE AND FEE DISCLOSURE. A propane distributor must provide a document listing the current per-gallon price of propane and all additional charges, fees, and discounts that pertain to residential heating service. The document must be: (1) made available to the general public upon request; and (2) provided to new customers before residential heating service […]
216B.0993 BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN. (a) A propane distributor who offers customers a budget payment plan must make that same plan available to all customers, including those who participate in the LIHEAP program. (b) A budget payment plan must equalize a customer’s estimated annual propane bill by dividing it into equal monthly payments. Any budget plan […]
216B.0994 PROPANE PURCHASE CONTRACTS. A propane distributor is prohibited from adding any service, distribution, transportation, or similar fees to customer billings for those customers who have entered into a contract for prepurchasing or capitated pricing of propane for the period of the contract provided that: (1) the customer has met all obligations of that contract; […]
216B.0995 TERMS OF SALE. Subdivision 1. Cash sales. A propane distributor with an available supply of propane must not refuse to sell propane to a customer who: (1) pays the distributor’s established price upon delivery in cash, by certified or cashier’s check, or by commercial money order or its equivalent; or (2) receives energy assistance […]