216B.161 AREA DEVELOPMENT RATE PLAN. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them in this subdivision. (b) “Area development rate” means a rate schedule established by a utility that provides customers within an area development zone service under a base utility rate schedule, except that charges […]
216B.1611 INTERCONNECTION OF ON-SITE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION. Subdivision 1. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to: (1) establish the terms and conditions that govern the interconnection and parallel operation of on-site distributed generation; (2) provide cost savings and reliability benefits to customers; (3) establish technical requirements that will promote the safe and reliable parallel operation […]
216B.1613 STANDARDIZED CONTRACT. Within 60 days of May 20, 2009, each utility, as defined in section 216B.1691, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), shall file with the commission a standardized contract form for the purchase of electricity from projects with a nameplate capacity of five megawatts or less. The standardized contract form must be similar in all […]
216B.1614 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING TARIFF. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) “Electric vehicle” has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 26a. (c) “Public utility” has the meaning given in section 216B.02, subdivision 4. (d) “Renewable energy” has the […]
216B.162 COMPETITIVE RATE FOR ELECTRIC UTILITY. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The terms used in this section have the meanings given them in this subdivision. (b) “Effective competition” means a market situation in which an electric utility serves a customer that: (1) is located within the electric utility’s assigned service area determined under section 216B.39; and […]
216B.1621 ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT. Subdivision 1. Agreement. When a retail customer of a public utility proposes to acquire power from or construct a new electric power generation facility in the assigned service area of the utility serving the retail customer to provide all or part of the customer’s electric service needs, the public utility may […]
216B.163 FLEXIBLE TARIFF. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) “Effective competition” means that a customer of a gas utility who either receives interruptible service or whose daily requirement exceeds 50,000 cubic feet maintains or plans on acquiring the capability […]
216B.1635 RECOVERY OF GAS UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) “Gas utility” means a public utility as defined in section 216B.02, subdivision 4, that furnishes natural gas service to retail customers. (b) “Gas utility infrastructure costs” or “GUIC” means costs incurred in gas utility projects that: (1) do not serve to increase revenues by […]
216B.1636 RECOVERY OF ELECTRIC UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) “Electric utility” means a public utility as defined in section 216B.02, subdivision 4, that furnishes electric service to retail customers. (b) “Electric utility infrastructure costs” or “EUIC” means costs for electric utility infrastructure projects that were not included in the electric utility’s rate base […]
216B.1638 RECOVERY OF NATURAL GAS EXTENSION PROJECT COSTS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) “Contribution in aid of construction” means a monetary contribution, paid by a developer or local unit of government to a utility providing natural gas service […]
216B.164 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION. Subdivision 1. Scope and purpose. This section shall at all times be construed in accordance with its intent to give the maximum possible encouragement to cogeneration and small power production consistent with protection of the ratepayers and the public. Subd. 2. Applicability; rights maintained. (a) This section as well […]
216B.1641 COMMUNITY SOLAR GARDEN. (a) The public utility subject to section 116C.779 shall file by September 30, 2013, a plan with the commission to operate a community solar garden program which shall begin operations within 90 days after commission approval of the plan. Other public utilities may file an application at their election. The community […]
216B.1642 SOLAR SITE MANAGEMENT. Subdivision 1. Site management practices. An owner of a ground-mounted solar site with a generating capacity of more than 40 kilowatts may follow site management practices that (1) provide native perennial vegetation and foraging habitat beneficial to game birds, songbirds, and pollinators, and (2) reduce stormwater runoff and erosion at the […]
216B.1645 POWER PURCHASE CONTRACT OR INVESTMENT. Subdivision 1. Commission authority. Upon the petition of a public utility, the Public Utilities Commission shall approve or disapprove power purchase contracts, investments, or expenditures entered into or made by the utility to satisfy the wind and biomass mandates contained in sections 216B.169, 216B.2423, and 216B.2424, and to satisfy […]
216B.1646 RATE REDUCTION; PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION. (a) The commission shall, by any method the commission finds appropriate, reduce the rates each electric utility subject to rate regulation by the commission charges its customers to reflect, on an ongoing basis, the amount by which each utility’s property tax on the personal property of its electric system […]
216B.1647 PROPERTY TAX ADJUSTMENT; COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. A cooperative electric association that has elected to be subject to rate regulation under section 216B.026 is eligible to file with the commission for approval an adjustment for real and personal property taxes, fees, and permits. History: 2016 c 189 art 6 s 5
216B.166 COGENERATING POWER PLANT. Subdivision 1. Findings. The legislature finds and declares that significant public benefits may be derived from the cogeneration of electrical and thermal energy and that cogenerated district heating may result in improved utilization and conservation of fuel, the substitution of coal for scarce oil and natural gas, the substitution of domestic […]
216B.167 PERFORMANCE-BASED GAS PURCHASING PLAN. Subdivision 1. Plan approval; commission findings. A public utility that furnishes natural gas may petition the commission for approval of a performance-based gas purchasing plan under this section. The commission may approve a plan if it finds that: (1) the plan provides incentives for the utility to achieve lower natural […]
216B.1675 PERFORMANCE REGULATION PLAN FOR GAS UTILITY SERVICE. Subdivision 1. Purpose. Performance-based regulation plans for public utilities offering natural gas services are authorized in order to provide quality service at rates that can reasonably and reliably be expected to be materially lower than rates would be under current regulation and to reduce the cost of […]
216B.1681 CURTAILMENT PAYMENTS. The commission shall conduct a study of curtailment payments for wind energy projects to assess whether utilities are unduly discriminating among project ownership structures in regard to the contractual availability of curtailment payments. The commission shall submit the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the senate and house of […]