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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 216 - 217 — Utilities » Chapter 216H — Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Section 216H.01 — Definitions.

216H.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 1a. Cogeneration facility or combined heat and power facility. “Cogeneration facility” or “combined heat and power facility” means a facility that: (1) has the meaning given in United States Code, title 16, […]

Section 216H.02 — Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control.

216H.02 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS CONTROL. Subdivision 1. Greenhouse gas emissions-reduction goal. It is the goal of the state to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors producing those emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, to a level at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and […]

Section 216H.021 — Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting.

216H.021 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS REPORTING. Subdivision 1. Commissioner to establish reporting system and maintain inventory. In order to measure the progress in meeting the goals of section 216H.02, subdivision 1, and to provide information to develop strategies to achieve those goals, the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency shall establish a system for reporting and […]

Section 216H.03 — Failure To Adopt Greenhouse Gas Control Plan.

216H.03 FAILURE TO ADOPT GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL PLAN. Subdivision 1. Definition; new large energy facility. For the purpose of this section, “new large energy facility” means a large energy facility, as defined in section 216B.2421, subdivision 2, clause (1), that is not in operation as of January 1, 2007, but does not include a facility […]

Section 216H.06 — Emissions Consideration In Resource Planning.

216H.06 EMISSIONS CONSIDERATION IN RESOURCE PLANNING. By January 1, 2008, the Public Utilities Commission shall establish an estimate of the likely range of costs of future carbon dioxide regulation on electricity generation. The estimate, which may be made in a commission order, must be used in all electricity generation resource acquisition proceedings. The estimates, and […]

Section 216H.07 — Emissions-reduction Attainment; Policy Development Process.

216H.07 EMISSIONS-REDUCTION ATTAINMENT; POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Subdivision 1. Definition. For the purpose of this section, “reductions” means the greenhouse gas emissions-reductions goals specified in section 216H.02, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. Purpose. This section is intended to create a nonexclusive, regular, mandated process for the state to develop policies to attain the greenhouse gas reduction goals […]

Section 216H.10 — Definitions.

216H.10 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. For purposes of sections 216H.10 to 216H.13, the following terms have the meanings given. Subd. 2. Agency. “Agency” means the Pollution Control Agency. Subd. 3. Carbon dioxide equivalent. “Carbon dioxide equivalent” means the quantity of carbon dioxide that has the same global warming potential as a given amount of another […]

Section 216H.11 — High-gwp Greenhouse Gas Reporting.

216H.11 HIGH-GWP GREENHOUSE GAS REPORTING. Subdivision 1. Gas manufacturers. By October 1 each year, a manufacturer of a high-GWP greenhouse gas must report to the agency the total amount of each high-GWP greenhouse gas sold to a purchaser in this state during the previous year. Subd. 2. Purchases. By October 1 each year, a person […]

Section 216H.12 — Mobile Air Conditioner Leakage Rates; Disclosure.

216H.12 MOBILE AIR CONDITIONER LEAKAGE RATES; DISCLOSURE. Subdivision 1. Leakage disclosure. Beginning January 1, 2009, a manufacturer selling or offering for sale a new motor vehicle in this state containing a mobile air conditioner that uses the high-GWP greenhouse gas HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) as a refrigerant must, 90 days prior to the initial sale or offer […]