221.71 COMMUTER VAN; DRIVER LIABILITY. Subdivision 1. Employment relationship. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the services performed by a driver of a commuter van shall be deemed to be those of an independent contractor and not those of an employee acting within the scope of employment, unless provided in writing to the contrary. […]
221.81 BUILDING MOVER. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the terms used in this section have the meanings given them in this subdivision. (a) “Building mover” means a person, corporation, or other entity who raises, supports off the foundation, and moves buildings on and over public streets and highways. Building mover does […]
221.82 RECEIPTS CREDITED TO TRUNK HIGHWAY FUND. Money received by the commissioner under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the trunk highway fund. History: 1983 c 293 s 85
221.83 COSTS PAID FROM TRUNK HIGHWAY FUND. The costs of administering the provisions of this chapter shall be paid from the trunk highway fund. History: 1983 c 293 s 86
221.84 LIMOUSINE. Subdivision 1. Definition. “Limousine service” means a service that: (1) is not provided on a regular route; (2) is provided in a luxury passenger automobile that has a seating capacity of not more than 15 persons, including the driver; (3) provides only prearranged pickup; and (4) charges more than a taxicab fare for […]
221.86 PARTIAL IMMUNITY FOR MOTOR CARRIER EMPLOYER. A motor carrier employer that discloses information in good faith about a present or former employee in response to a request pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 382.413, is immune from civil liability, except in cases of knowing disclosure of false information or negligence, for […]
221.87 INDEMNITY PROVISION IN MOTOR CARRIER TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS. Subdivision 1. Void. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a provision, clause, covenant, or agreement contained in, collateral to, or affecting a motor carrier transportation contract that purports to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless, or has the effect of indemnifying, defending, or holding harmless, the […]