256R.03 CONDITIONS FOR FUNDING. Subdivision 1. Requirements for funding. (a) No medical assistance payments shall be made to any nursing facility unless the nursing facility is certified to participate in the medical assistance program under title XIX of the federal Social Security Act and has in effect a provider agreement with the commissioner meeting the […]
256R.04 PROHIBITED PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Financial exploitation. A nursing facility is not eligible to receive medical assistance payments unless it refrains from all of the following: (1) charging, soliciting, accepting, or receiving from an applicant for admission to the facility, or from anyone acting on behalf of the applicant, as a condition of admission, expediting […]
256R.05 REQUIRED PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Preadmission screening. (a) Medical assistance reimbursement for nursing facilities shall be authorized for a medical assistance recipient only if a preadmission screening has been conducted prior to admission or the county has authorized an exemption. Medical assistance reimbursement for nursing facilities shall not be provided for any recipient who the […]
256R.06 PRIVATE PAY RESIDENTS; REQUIRED PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Medical assistance rates not to exceed private pay residents’ rates. (a) The total payment rate must not exceed the rate paid by private paying residents for similar services for the same period. (b) The medical assistance rate limitation in paragraph (a) shall not apply to retroactive adjustments […]