3C.01 APPOINTMENT OF REVISOR. The Legislative Coordinating Commission shall appoint a qualified person to the position of revisor of statutes. The revisor shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The commission shall fix the revisor’s salary. History: 1984 c 480 s 1
3C.02 REVISOR’S POWERS. Subdivision 1. Regular staff; hiring and salaries. The revisor shall employ and may fix the salaries of drafters and technical, research, and clerical assistants necessary to do the work of the revisor’s office. Subd. 2. Additional staff; contractors. When full-time employees are not available to do the work of the office, the […]
3C.03 DRAFTING DUTIES OF REVISOR’S OFFICE. Subdivision 1. Limitation. As far as personnel and available appropriations permit, the revisor’s office shall perform the drafting duties described in subdivisions 2 to 4. Subd. 2. Drafting department. The revisor’s office shall maintain a drafting department. On request, the office shall draft or help to draft bills, resolutions, […]
3C.035 BILL DRAFTING FOR DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES. Subdivision 1. Deadlines. A department or agency intending to urge the legislature to adopt a bill shall deliver the drafting request for the bill to the revisor of statutes by November 1 before the regular session of the legislature at which adoption will be urged. A commissioner or […]
3C.04 OTHER OFFICE DUTIES DURING LEGISLATIVE SESSION. Subdivision 1. Advice concerning effect of bills. The revisor’s office shall give members of the legislature advice concerning the legal effect of bills or proposed bills, but only at the request of the members. Subd. 2. Information gathering. The revisor’s office shall gather information about the practical operation […]
3C.05 PROHIBITIONS AND LIMITATIONS. Subdivision 1. General. The revisor, employees of the revisor’s office, and persons assisting the office as part-time employees or independent contractors are subject to the following prohibitions and limitations: (a) They may not reveal to any person not employed by the revisor’s office the content or nature of a request for […]
3C.06 LAWS OF MINNESOTA. Subdivision 1. General requirements. As soon as possible after a session of the legislature has adjourned each year, the revisor shall publish the laws of the session in a publication called “Laws of Minnesota.” It must be identified by the year of the session and have suitable headnotes and indexes as […]
3C.07 MINNESOTA STATUTES, HISTORICAL STATUS. Subdivision 1. Minnesota Revised Statutes. The compilation and revision of the general and permanent statutes of Minnesota, prepared by the revisor under the provisions of Laws of Minnesota 1943, chapter 545, and filed with the secretary of state on December 28, 1944, is adopted and enacted as Minnesota Revised Statutes. […]
3C.08 MINNESOTA STATUTES; CONTENTS. Subdivision 1. Permanent required contents. The revisor’s office shall publish editions of Minnesota Statutes. Minnesota Statutes must contain the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Minnesota, all general and permanent statutes in force, an alphabetical index, a table of permanent local laws, rules of the supreme court, rules of […]
3C.09 MINNESOTA STATUTES; SUPPLEMENTATION. If the revisor’s office does not publish an edition of Minnesota Statutes in a given year, it may publish a supplement to Minnesota Statutes. The supplement must be identified by the year of publication and to the extent possible must otherwise comply with section 3C.08. History: 1984 c 480 s 9; […]
3C.10 PUBLICATION POWERS. Subdivision 1. Editorial powers for statutes. The revisor’s office, in preparing printer’s copy for editions of statutes, may not alter the sense, meaning, or effect of any legislative act, but may: (a) renumber sections or subdivisions and parts of sections or subdivisions; (b) change the wording of headnotes; (c) rearrange sections or […]
3C.11 GENERAL PUBLICATION DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Certificate of correctness. In preparing an edition of Minnesota Statutes, a supplement to Minnesota Statutes, or an edition of Laws of Minnesota, the revisor’s office shall compare each section in the edition with the original section of the statutes or with the original section in the enrolled act from […]
3C.12 SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF STATUTES AND LAWS. Subdivision 1. Number of copies printed. The revisor shall determine how many copies of Minnesota Statutes, supplements to Minnesota Statutes, and Laws of Minnesota are to be printed. Subject to the requirements of subdivision 2, the revisor shall determine how the copies are to be distributed and […]
3C.13 LEGAL STATUS OF STATUTES. Any volume of Minnesota Statutes, supplement to Minnesota Statutes, and Laws of Minnesota certified by the revisor according to section 3C.11, subdivision 1, is prima facie evidence of the statutes contained in it in all courts and proceedings. Revised Laws of Minnesota 1905, General Statutes of Minnesota 1913, General Statutes […]