US Lawyer Database

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Section 469.048 — Definitions.

469.048 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Generally. In sections 469.048 to 469.068, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them herein, unless the context indicates a different meaning. Subd. 2. Port authority. “Port authority” or “authority” means a port authority created under section 469.049 or a special law. “Port authority” includes a seaway port […]

Section 469.049 — Establishment; Characteristics.

469.049 ESTABLISHMENT; CHARACTERISTICS. Subdivision 1. Saint Paul, Duluth; establishment. The Port Authority of Saint Paul and the seaway port authority of Duluth are established. The Seaway Port Authority of Duluth may also be known as the Duluth Seaway Port Authority. Subd. 2. Public body characteristics. A port authority is a body politic and corporate with […]

Section 469.050 — Commissioners; Terms, Vacancies, Pay, Continuity.

469.050 COMMISSIONERS; TERMS, VACANCIES, PAY, CONTINUITY. Subdivision 1. Saint Paul. The Port Authority of Saint Paul consists of seven commissioners, two of whom must be members of the city council. The mayor shall appoint the commissioners with the consent of the city council. Subd. 2. Duluth. The Seaway Port Authority of Duluth consists of seven […]

Section 469.051 — Officers; Duties; Organizational Matters.

469.051 OFFICERS; DUTIES; ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS. Subdivision 1. Bylaws, rules, seal. A port authority may adopt bylaws and rules of procedure and shall adopt an official seal. Subd. 2. Officers. A port authority shall annually elect a president or chair, a vice-president or vice-chair, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant treasurer. A commissioner may not […]

Section 469.052 — Depositories; Default; Collateral.

469.052 DEPOSITORIES; DEFAULT; COLLATERAL. Subdivision 1. Named; bond. Every two years a port authority shall name national or state banks within the state as depositories. Before acting as a depository, a named bank shall give the authority a bond approved as to form and surety by the authority. The bond must be conditioned for the […]

Section 469.0521 — Liable In Contract Or Tort.

469.0521 LIABLE IN CONTRACT OR TORT. Subject to the provisions of chapter 466, a port authority shall be liable in contract or in tort in the same manner as a private corporation. The commissioners of a port authority shall not be personally liable as such on its contracts, or for torts, not committed or directly […]

Section 469.053 — Tax Levies; Fiscal Matters.

469.053 TAX LEVIES; FISCAL MATTERS. Subdivision 1. Obligations. A port authority must not levy a tax or special assessment, pledge the credit of the state or the state’s municipal corporations or other subdivisions, or incur an obligation enforceable on property not owned by the port authority. Subd. 2. Budget to city. Annually, at a time […]

Section 469.054 — Use Of City Property, Services By Authority.

469.054 USE OF CITY PROPERTY, SERVICES BY AUTHORITY. Subdivision 1. Property transfer. The council of a port authority city may transfer or cause to be transferred to its port authority any dock, waterfront, or riparian property owned or controlled by the city, and located within the port district. The transfer must be approved by majority […]

Section 469.055 — Powers And Duties.

469.055 POWERS AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. General duties. A port authority shall: (1) promote the general welfare of the port district, and of the port as a whole; (2) try to increase the volume of the port’s commerce; (3) promote the efficient, safe, and economical handling of the commerce; and (4) provide or promote adequate […]

Section 469.056 — Employees; Contracts; Audits.

469.056 EMPLOYEES; CONTRACTS; AUDITS. Subdivision 1. Employees, Social Security. A port authority may employ or contract for the engineering, legal, technical, clerical, stenographic, accounting, and other assistance it considers advisable. An employee of a port authority under this chapter is an “employee” under section 355.01, subdivision 2e, and by appropriate action of the port authority […]

Section 469.057 — Port Control By Others; Petition; Intervention.

469.057 PORT CONTROL BY OTHERS; PETITION; INTERVENTION. Subdivision 1. Regulation. Unless otherwise provided by law, all laws now or hereafter vesting jurisdiction or control in the Department of Public Service or a successor agency of the state of Minnesota, in the Interstate Commerce Commission or a successor agency, if any, or Department of Defense of […]

Section 469.058 — Industrial Development Districts.

469.058 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS. Subdivision 1. Creation; notice; findings. A port authority may create and define the boundaries of industrial development districts in their port districts after holding a public hearing on the matter. At least ten days before the hearing, the authority shall publish notice of the hearing in a daily newspaper of general […]

Section 469.059 — Development District Powers.

469.059 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT POWERS. Subdivision 1. In general. A port authority, or a city authorized by law to exercise the powers of a port authority, may use the powers in this section for the purposes in section 469.058, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. Acquire property. The port authority may acquire by lease, purchase, gift, devise, or […]

Section 469.060 — General Obligation Bonds.

469.060 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS. Subdivision 1. Power; procedure. A port authority may issue bonds in the principal amount authorized by its city’s council. The bonds may be issued in anticipation of income from any source. The bonds may be issued: (1) to secure funds needed by the authority to pay for acquired property or (2) […]

Section 469.061 — Revenue Bonds; Pledge; Covenants.

469.061 REVENUE BONDS; PLEDGE; COVENANTS. Subdivision 1. Power. A port authority may decide by resolution to issue its revenue bonds either at one time or in series from time to time. The revenue bonds may be issued to provide money to pay to acquire land needed to operate the authority, to purchase, construct, install, or […]

Section 469.062 — Other Bonds.

469.062 OTHER BONDS. Subdivision 1. City bonds, generally. A port authority city except the city of Duluth may issue bonds and appropriate bond proceeds to purchase, construct, extend, improve, and maintain docks, warehouses, or other port or terminal facilities owned or to be owned or operated by its port authority. This action may be taken […]

Section 469.063 — When Bond Allocation Act Applies.

469.063 WHEN BOND ALLOCATION ACT APPLIES. Sections 474A.01 to 474A.21 apply to obligations issued under sections 469.048 to 469.068 that are limited by a federal tax law as defined in section 474A.02, subdivision 8. History: 1987 c 291 s 64; 1987 c 384 art 2 s 94; 2000 c 260 s 63

Section 469.064 — Port Authority Activities.

469.064 PORT AUTHORITY ACTIVITIES. Subdivision 1. Government agent. A port authority may cooperate with or act as agent for the federal or the state government, or a state public body, or an agency or instrumentality of a government or a public body to carry out sections 469.048 to 469.068 or any other related federal, state, […]

Section 469.065 — Sale Of Property.

469.065 SALE OF PROPERTY. Subdivision 1. Power. A port authority may sell and convey property owned by it within a port or industrial district if it determines that the sale and conveyance are in the best interests of the district and its people, and that the transaction furthers its general plan of port improvement, or […]

Section 469.066 — Advances By Port Authority.

469.066 ADVANCES BY PORT AUTHORITY. A port authority may advance its general fund money or its credit, or both, without interest, for the objects and purposes of sections 469.058 to 469.068. The advances must be repaid from the sale or lease, or both, of developed or redeveloped lands. If the money advanced for the development […]