480.19 APPLICATION TO SUPREME AND OTHER COURTS. Sections 480.13 to 480.20 apply to the following courts: the supreme court, the court of appeals, and the district court. History: 1963 c 758 s 7; 1983 c 247 s 167; 1995 c 189 s 8; 1996 c 277 s 1; 1998 c 254 art 2 s 55
480.20 APPLICATION TO SUBSTITUTION OF PROBATE JUDGES. The provisions of sections 480.13 to 480.20 shall in no way be construed to impair the authority and manner of substitution of probate judges provided in Minnesota Statutes 1961, section 525.051. History: 1963 c 758 s 8
480.21 RESIGNED JUDGES, APPOINTMENT AS COMMISSIONERS. Subdivision 1. Commissioner appointments. The supreme court may appoint any resigned judge of the supreme court, who is not engaged in the practice of law, as a commissioner of that court to aid and assist in the performance of such of its duties as may be assigned to the […]
480.22 LOCATION OF CHAMBERS. The supreme court shall designate the location of chambers for judges of all courts in the state after consultation with the judges of the affected judicial district. Chambers locations set forth in section 2.722, subdivision 1, shall remain in effect until changed pursuant to this section. History: 1977 c 432 s […]
480.23 COMPUTER ACQUISITION BY COURTS. In order to facilitate the effective management and coordination of the Minnesota courts system, an appropriate official of any court or of a local governmental unit in providing services to any court, if authorized by the state court administrator and with the concurrence of the contracting vendor, may acquire electronic […]
480.235 TRIAL COURT INFORMATION SYSTEM. The cost of operating the trial court information system in a judicial district must be paid by the state. History: 1Sp1985 c 13 s 360; 1989 c 335 art 3 s 15
480.236 SOFTWARE SALES. The supreme court may sell or license self-developed or vendor custom-developed computer software products or systems through whatever sales method the supreme court, in its discretion, deems appropriate, in order to offset its software development costs. Prices for the software products or systems may be based on market considerations. Proceeds of the […]
480.237 ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS; CONVENIENCE FEES; RECORDS ACCESS. (a) The judicial branch may accept credit cards, charge cards, debit cards, or other methods of electronic funds transfer for government fees and payments ordered by a court. (b) The judicial branch may impose a convenience fee to be added to each transaction. The total amount of the […]