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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 500 - 515B — Property And Property Interests » Chapter 507 — Recording And Filing Conveyances

Section 507.01 — Conveyance And Purchaser.

507.01 CONVEYANCE AND PURCHASER. The word “purchaser,” as used in this chapter, embraces every person to whom any estate or interest in real estate is conveyed for a valuable consideration and every assignee of a mortgage, lease, or other conditional estate. The word “conveyance,” as so used, includes every instrument in writing whereby any interest […]

Section 507.02 — Conveyances By Spouses; Powers Of Attorney.

507.02 CONVEYANCES BY SPOUSES; POWERS OF ATTORNEY. If the owner is married, no conveyance of the homestead, except a mortgage for purchase money under section 507.03, a conveyance between spouses pursuant to section 500.19, subdivision 4, or a severance of a joint tenancy pursuant to section 500.19, subdivision 5, shall be valid without the signatures […]

Section 507.021 — Conveyances Recorded 15 Years Validated.

507.021 CONVEYANCES RECORDED 15 YEARS VALIDATED. When a deed, assignment, or other instrument affecting the title to real estate shall have been filed or recorded in the office of the county recorder of any county, or in any public office authorized to receive such instrument for filing or recording, and shall have continued on record […]

Section 507.03 — Purchase-money Mortgage; Nonjoinder Of Spouse.

507.03 PURCHASE-MONEY MORTGAGE; NONJOINDER OF SPOUSE. When a married individual purchases real property during marriage and mortgages the real property to secure the payment of the purchase price or any portion of it, the other spouse shall not be entitled to any inchoate, contingent, or marital property right or interest in the real property as […]

Section 507.04 — Conveyance Of Protected Person’s Real Property.

507.04 CONVEYANCE OF PROTECTED PERSON’S REAL PROPERTY. Subdivision 1. No conveyance except by court approval. Except as otherwise provided by this section, if a protected person’s right to convey an interest in real property is restricted under sections 524.5-401 to 524.5-433, no conveyance of the interest is effective unless ordered by the court pursuant to […]

Section 507.05 — Conveyance By Corporation; Resolution Appointing Attorney.

507.05 CONVEYANCE BY CORPORATION; RESOLUTION APPOINTING ATTORNEY. A corporation may convey its real estate by an attorney appointed by resolution of its directors or governing board, a copy of which, certified by its clerk or secretary, may be filed for record with the county recorder. History: (8202) RL s 3339; 1976 c 181 s 2

Section 507.061 — Words Of Inheritance Not Needed.

507.061 WORDS OF INHERITANCE NOT NEEDED. Subdivision 1. Word “heirs” unnecessary. The word “heirs,” or other words of inheritance, shall not be necessary to create or convey an estate in fee simple. Subd. 2. Pre-3/2/1875 conveyances. Every conveyance by deed without words of inheritance therein executed prior to March 2, 1875, shall be received as […]

Section 507.07 — Warranty And Quitclaim Deeds; Forms.

507.07 WARRANTY AND QUITCLAIM DEEDS; FORMS. Warranty and quitclaim deeds may be substantially in the following forms: WARRANTY DEED A.B., grantor, of (here insert the place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert the consideration), conveys and warrants to C.D., grantee, of (here insert the place of residence), the following described real estate […]

Section 507.071 — Transfer On Death Deeds.

507.071 TRANSFER ON DEATH DEEDS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section the following terms have the meanings given: (a) “Beneficiary” or “grantee beneficiary” means a person or entity named as a grantee beneficiary in a transfer on death deed, including a successor grantee beneficiary. (b) “County agency” means the county department or […]

Section 507.09 — Forms Approved; Amendments.

507.09 FORMS APPROVED; AMENDMENTS. The several forms of deeds, mortgages, land contracts, assignments, satisfactions, and other conveyancing instruments prepared by the Uniform Conveyancing Blanks Commission and filed by the commission with the secretary of state pursuant to Laws 1929, chapter 135, as amended by Laws 1931, chapter 34, are approved and recommended for use in […]

Section 507.091 — Conveyance To Include Name And Address Of Drafter.

507.091 CONVEYANCE TO INCLUDE NAME AND ADDRESS OF DRAFTER. Subdivision 1. Name and address required. No instrument by which the title to real estate or any interest therein or lien thereon, is conveyed, created, encumbered, assigned or otherwise disposed of, shall be recorded by the county recorder or registered by the registrar of titles until […]

Section 507.093 — Standards For Documents To Be Recorded Or Filed.

507.093 STANDARDS FOR DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED OR FILED. The following standards are imposed on documents to be recorded with the county recorder or the registrar of titles other than by electronic means as provided in section 507.24, except as provided in sections 505.021, subdivision 1, and 505.04 for plats; 508.47, subdivision 4, and 508A.47, […]

Section 507.0941 — Definitions.

507.0941 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of sections 507.0941 to 507.0948: (a) “Document” means information that is: (1) inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form; and (2) eligible to be recorded in the land records maintained by the recorder or registrar. (b) “Electronic” […]

Section 507.0942 — Uniformity Of Application And Construction.

507.0942 UNIFORMITY OF APPLICATION AND CONSTRUCTION. Persons applying or construing sections 507.0941 to 507.0948 must consider the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to the subject matter of sections 507.0941 to 507.0948 among states that enact a law substantially similar to sections 507.0941 to 507.0948. History: 2008 c 238 art 2 s […]

Section 507.0943 — Validity And Time Of Recording Of Electronic Documents.

507.0943 VALIDITY AND TIME OF RECORDING OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS. (a) If a law requires, as a condition for recording, that a document be an original, on paper or another tangible medium, or in writing, the requirement is satisfied by an electronic document satisfying sections 507.0941 to 507.0948. If a law requires or refers to something […]

Section 507.0944 — Recording Of Documents.

507.0944 RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS. (a) A recorder or registrar may: (1) receive, index, store, archive, and transmit electronic documents; (2) provide for access to documents and other information by electronic means; (3) provide for search and retrieval of documents and other information by electronic means; (4) index, store, and archive, in electronic form, paper documents […]

Section 507.0945 — Administration.

507.0945 ADMINISTRATION. (a) An Electronic Real Estate Recording Commission administered by the Legislative Coordinating Commission is created to and must adopt standards to implement sections 507.0941 to 507.0948. (b) The Electronic Real Estate Recording Commission shall consist of the following: (1) three members appointed by the Minnesota Association of County Officials who are county employees, […]

Section 507.0946 — Standards.

507.0946 STANDARDS. To keep the standards and practices of recorders and registrars in this state in harmony with the standards and practices of recorders’ and registrars’ offices in other jurisdictions that enact a law that is substantially similar to sections 507.0941 to 507.0948, and to keep the technology used by recorders and registrars in this […]