550.01 ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT. The party in whose favor a judgment is given, or the assignee of such judgment, may proceed to enforce the same, at any time within ten years after the entry thereof, in the manner provided by law. History: (9416) RL s 4287
550.011 JUDGMENT DEBTOR DISCLOSURE. Unless the parties have otherwise agreed, if a judgment has been docketed in district court for at least 30 days, and the judgment is not satisfied, the judgment creditor’s attorney as an officer of the court may or the district court in the county in which the judgment originated shall, upon […]
550.02 JUDGMENTS; METHODS OF ENFORCEMENT. Where a judgment requires the payment of money, or the delivery of real or personal property, it may be enforced in those respects by execution. Where it requires the performance of any other act, a certified copy of the judgment may be served upon the party against whom it is […]
550.03 KINDS OF EXECUTION. There shall be two kinds of executions, one against the property of the judgment debtor, and the other for the delivery of real or personal property, or such delivery with damages for detaining, or for taking and withholding, the same. History: (9418) RL s 4289
550.04 EXECUTION, HOW ISSUED; CONTENTS. The execution shall be under the seal of the court, subscribed by the court administrator, directed to the sheriff, or to the coroner if the sheriff be a party or interested, or to the judgment creditor or the judgment creditor’s attorney, if issued under chapter 551, and endorsed by the […]
550.051 TERM OF WRIT OF EXECUTION; INVENTORY; SATISFACTION. Subdivision 1. Time periods. The writ of execution expires 180 days after its issuance by the court administrator. A levy that is served with a writ of execution that has expired is void. If the officer or creditor’s attorney having the writ levies upon property or earnings […]
550.06 EXECUTION AFTER DEATH. After the expiration of one year from the death of a party against whom judgment has been rendered, execution thereon may be issued against any property upon which such judgment was a lien at the time of the party’s death, and may be executed in the same manner and with like […]
550.07 ISSUANCE OF EXECUTION. When the execution is against the personal property or money of the judgment debtor, it may be issued to the sheriff of any county from the district court where the judgment was originally docketed. When it requires the delivery of real property, it shall be issued to the sheriff of the […]
550.08 EXECUTION AGAINST PROPERTY, HOW EXECUTED. The officer shall execute the writ against the property of the judgment debtor by levying upon the same, collecting the things in action, or selling the same if the court so orders, selling the other property, except as provided in section 550.09, and paying to the judgment creditor the […]
550.09 LEVY ON MONEY. When coin of the United States, or bills or other evidence of debt issued by the United States or by any moneyed corporation and circulated as money, are seized upon execution, the officer shall pay and return the same as so much money collected. History: (9424) RL s 4295
550.10 PROPERTY LEVIED ON, LIEN. All property, real and personal, including rights and shares in the stock of corporations, money, book accounts, credits, negotiable instruments, and other evidences of indebtedness, may be levied upon and sold on execution. Until a levy, property not subject to the lien of the judgment is not affected by the […]
550.11 LEVY ON PROPERTY SUBJECT TO JUDGMENT LIEN; RELEASE. It shall be deemed a sufficient levy upon property subject to the lien of the judgment if the officer make a minute on the execution, stating the time when it was delivered to the officer, and that at such time the officer levied upon such property, […]
550.12 LEVY ON PERSONALTY. Personal property capable of manual delivery shall be levied upon by the officer taking it into custody. History: (9427) RL s 4298
550.13 LEVY ON BULKY ARTICLES. When personal property, by reason of its bulk or other cause, cannot be immediately removed, it shall be a sufficient levy thereon if the officer, within three days thereafter, file in the appropriate filing office under the Uniform Commercial Code, section 336.9-501, a certified copy of the execution, and of […]
550.135 SHERIFF’S LEVY ON OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY, MONEY, OR INDEBTEDNESS. Subdivision 1. Scope of general and specific provisions. General provisions relating to the sheriff’s levy upon personal property not covered elsewhere in this chapter and upon money or indebtedness are set forth in this section. Specific provisions relating to a sheriff’s levy upon earnings are […]
550.136 SHERIFF’S LEVY OF EARNINGS. Subdivision 1. Procedure. When earnings are levied upon by the sheriff, this section must be complied with, in addition to the general provisions specified in section 550.135. Subd. 2. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them: (a) “Earnings” means: (1) compensation paid or […]
550.142 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES; WAGES, EXECUTION LEVY. The salary or earnings of any public employee or officer may be levied upon pursuant to sections 550.135 and 550.136. Where the judgment debtor is an officer, the writ shall be served upon the auditor, treasurer, or clerk of the subdivision or department of which the judgment debtor is […]
550.143 LEVY ON FUNDS AT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. Subdivision 1. Procedure. When the sheriff is levying upon funds at a financial institution, this section must be complied with, in addition to the general provisions set forth in section 550.135. Subd. 2. Disclosure form. Along with the writ of execution, the notice, instructions, and the exemption […]
550.15 CERTIFICATE TO BE FURNISHED OFFICER. When the officer, with a writ of attachment or an execution against the defendant, applies to any person mentioned in section 550.135 for the purpose of attaching or levying upon property mentioned therein, such person shall furnish the officer with a certificate showing the description and amount of the […]
550.16 LEVY ON PLEDGED OR MORTGAGED CHATTELS. When personal property is pledged or mortgaged for the payment of money or the performance of any contract or agreement, the right and interest of the pledgor or mortgagor in such property may be sold on execution against the pledgor or mortgagor, and the purchaser shall acquire all […]