US Lawyer Database

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Section 641.01 — Jail Construction And Maintenance; Prisoner Placement.

641.01 JAIL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE; PRISONER PLACEMENT. The county board of each county is authorized to construct, purchase, or lease, regulate and maintain, at the expense of the county, a jail for the safekeeping of prisoners, and also, adjoining and connected to it, a residence for the use of the sheriff. Any peace officer placing […]

Section 641.02 — Fugitives From Justice; Fee.

641.02 FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE; FEE. Any county jail may be used for the safekeeping of fugitives from justice in this state, in accordance with the provisions of any act of Congress. The officer holding any such fugitive in custody shall pay the county $2 as a commitment fee, and a fee to be determined pursuant […]

Section 641.03 — Federal Prisoners; Fee.

641.03 FEDERAL PRISONERS; FEE. When any person is committed to any jail by any process issued under authority of the United States, the sheriff or jailer shall receive such person into custody, and safely keep the person until discharged by due course of law, subject in all respects to the same liabilities and remedies as […]

Section 641.035 — Out-of-state Prisoners.

641.035 OUT-OF-STATE PRISONERS. (a) A county or regional jail board may authorize the sheriff or regional jail superintendent to enter into agreements to house offenders from other states. (b) The extradition requirements of chapter 629 do not apply to offenders accepted from another state under this section. The sheriff or regional jail superintendent responsible for […]

Section 641.04 — Prisoner Commitment Papers.

641.04 PRISONER COMMITMENT PAPERS. Every instrument, or attested copy thereof, by which a prisoner is committed or liberated, shall be endorsed, filed, and safely stored by the sheriff or jailer, and delivered to the sheriff’s or jailer’s successor. When the process by which any prisoner is committed is required to be returned to the court, […]

Section 641.05 — Record Of Inmates; Court; Bureau Of Criminal Apprehension.

641.05 RECORD OF INMATES; COURT; BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION. (a) Every sheriff shall, at the expense of the county, maintain a permanent record of all persons committed to any jail under the sheriff’s charge. It shall contain the name of every person committed, by what authority, residence, date of commitment, and, if for a criminal […]

Section 641.06 — Appointment Of Employees; Compensation.

641.06 APPOINTMENT OF EMPLOYEES; COMPENSATION. The sheriff of a county maintaining a jail, if a male, shall appoint a competent woman as women’s jailer, who, under the sheriff’s direction, shall have exclusive charge of all female prisoners. The sheriff, if a female, shall appoint a competent man as men’s jailer, who, under the sheriff’s direction, […]

Section 641.07 — Prisoners; Labor.

641.07 PRISONERS; LABOR. Every able-bodied male prisoner over 16 years of age confined in any county jail or statutory city lockup under judgment of any court or other tribunal authorized to imprison for the violation of any law, ordinance, bylaw, or police regulation may be required to work for not more than ten hours per […]

Section 641.08 — Supervision.

641.08 SUPERVISION. When a sentence is for violation of a state law, and the prisoner is confined in a county jail, such labor shall be performed under the direction of the county board, and superintended by the sheriff, who shall furnish necessary materials and tools at the expense of the county, and the county shall […]

Section 641.09 — Power Of Officers.

641.09 POWER OF OFFICERS. The officer in charge of prisoners so sentenced to labor may use all reasonable means necessary to prevent escape or enforce obedience. For refusal to labor or obey necessary orders in reference thereto, a prisoner may be kept in solitary confinement but shall not be so confined more than ten days […]

Section 641.10 — Payment For Labor; Protection.

641.10 PAYMENT FOR LABOR; PROTECTION. For each day’s labor the prisoner shall be credited $3 on any judgment for fine and costs and, when imprisoned in default of payment of a fine or fine and costs, the prisoner shall be discharged when the prisoner has performed sufficient labor to pay the same. The officer in […]

Section 641.12 — Collection Of Fees And Board Bills.

641.12 COLLECTION OF FEES AND BOARD BILLS. Subdivision 1. Fee. A county board may require that each person who is booked for confinement at a county or regional jail, and not released upon completion of the booking process, pay a fee to the sheriff’s department of the county in which the jail is located to […]

Section 641.13 — Prisoners From Other Counties; Boarding Fees.

641.13 PRISONERS FROM OTHER COUNTIES; BOARDING FEES. When any prisoner is ordered confined in any county other than that in which the offense was committed, the other county shall keep the prisoner at the expense of the county sending the prisoner, and the other county board shall collect from the county sending the prisoner, for […]

Section 641.14 — Jails; Separation Of Prisoners.

641.14 JAILS; SEPARATION OF PRISONERS. The sheriff of each county is responsible for the operation and condition of the jail. If construction of the jail permits, the sheriff may permit multiple occupancy but the sheriff shall maintain strict separation of prisoners to the extent that separation is consistent with prisoners’ security, safety, health, and welfare. […]

Section 641.15 — Prisoners; Feeding; Care.

641.15 PRISONERS; FEEDING; CARE. Subdivision 1. Clothing and care. The county board shall provide suitable jail clothing, without distinctive marks, underclothing, linen and bedding, towels, and medical aid for prisoners, and fuel for the jail and, if adjoining and connected, the sheriff’s residence. The sheriff may require a prisoner to wear jail clothing during confinement, […]

Section 641.155 — Discharge Plans; Offenders With Serious And Persistent Mental Illness.

641.155 DISCHARGE PLANS; OFFENDERS WITH SERIOUS AND PERSISTENT MENTAL ILLNESS. The commissioner of corrections shall develop a model discharge planning process for every offender with a serious and persistent mental illness, as defined in section 245.462, subdivision 20, paragraph (c), who has been convicted and sentenced to serve three or more months and is being […]

Section 641.16 — Bibles.

641.16 BIBLES. Every keeper of a jail shall provide for each prisoner able and willing to read it a copy of the Bible or the sacred book of another religion, at the expense of the county, and any clergy desirous of giving moral and religious instruction to requesting prisoners shall have access to them at […]

Section 641.165 — Contraband Articles Forbidden; Penalty.

641.165 CONTRABAND ARTICLES FORBIDDEN; PENALTY. Subdivision 1. Definition. “Contraband” is any controlled substance as defined in section 152.01, subdivision 4, or any intoxicating or alcoholic liquor or malt beverage. Subd. 2. Acts prohibited. (a) Whoever introduces or in any manner causes the introduction of contraband, as defined in subdivision 1, into any jail, lockup, or […]

Section 641.18 — Secure Confinement.

641.18 SECURE CONFINEMENT. When any prisoner is unruly or disobeys any regulation for the management of jails, the prisoner may be kept in secure confinement as provided in section 641.09. History: (10866) RL s 5478; 1978 c 778 s 5; 1980 c 602 s 8; 2008 c 299 s 21

Section 641.20 — Removal Of Prisoners In Case Of Fire.

641.20 REMOVAL OF PRISONERS IN CASE OF FIRE. When, by reason of fire or other casualty, the prisoners in any jail are exposed to danger, the keeper may remove them to some safe place to avoid such danger. History: (10868) RL s 5480