82B.021 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Analysis. “Analysis” means a study of real estate or real property other than estimating value. Subd. 3. Applicant. “Applicant” means an individual who has applied to the commissioner of commerce pursuant […]
82B.03 PROHIBITIONS. Subdivision 1. License required. (a) It is unlawful for a person to act as a real estate appraiser in this state unless licensed under this chapter. (b) Only persons licensed under this chapter may advertise or represent themselves to be real estate appraisers. (c) No person, other than a licensed real estate appraiser, […]
82B.035 EXEMPTION. Subdivision 1. Market analysis. This chapter does not apply to a licensed real estate salesperson or broker who, in the ordinary course of the licensee’s business, gives a market analysis of the price of real estate, if the market analysis is not referred to or construed as an appraisal. Subd. 1a. Broker price […]
82B.04 RESPONSIBILITY FOR AGENTS. A real estate appraiser is responsible for the acts of persons acting on the appraiser’s behalf. History: 1989 c 341 art 1 s 4
82B.07 POWERS OF THE COMMISSIONER. The commissioner shall: (1) receive applications for licenses; (2) establish the procedures for processing applications for licensing; (3) issue a license for appraisers; (4) maintain a registry of the names and addresses of people licensed under this chapter; (5) keep records and all application materials submitted to the commissioner; (6) […]
82B.071 RECORDS. Subdivision 1. Examination of records. The commissioner may make examinations within or without this state of each real estate appraiser’s records at such reasonable time and in such scope as is necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Subd. 2. Retention. Licensees shall keep a separate work file for each appraisal assignment, […]
82B.072 FORMAL COMPLAINTS. For the purposes of this chapter, an inquiry alleging noncompliance with this chapter that does not result in a disciplinary action, including any informal disposition of a case or an action pursuant to this chapter or section 45.027, does not constitute a formal complaint under this chapter or section 45.027. History: 2017 […]
82B.073 REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL ADVISORY BOARD. Subdivision 1. Creation; appointments. (a) The Real Estate Appraisal Advisory Board is created and composed of seven persons appointed by the commissioner. Members are appointed to the board subject to the following conditions: (1) members must currently be, and have been for the past five years, residents of this […]
82B.08 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Generally. The commissioner shall issue a license as a real estate appraiser to a person who qualifies for the license under the terms of this chapter. Subd. 2. Qualification of applicants. An applicant must be at least 18 years of age when making application. Subd. 2a. Criminal history record check; […]
82B.09 FEES. Subdivision 1. Amounts. (a) The following fees must be paid to the commissioner: (1) $150 for each initial individual real estate appraiser’s license; and (2) $100 for each renewal. (b) In addition to the fees required under this subdivision, individual real estate appraisers shall pay a technology surcharge of up to $40 under […]
82B.093 TRAINEE REAL PROPERTY APPRAISER. (a) A trainee real property appraiser shall be subject to direct supervision by a certified residential real property appraiser or certified general real property appraiser in good standing. (b) A trainee real property appraiser is permitted to have more than one supervising appraiser. (c) The scope of practice for the […]
82B.094 SUPERVISION OF TRAINEE REAL PROPERTY APPRAISERS. (a) A certified residential real property appraiser or a certified general real property appraiser, in good standing, may engage a trainee real property appraiser to assist in the performance of real estate appraisals, provided that the certified residential real property appraiser or a certified general real property appraiser: […]
82B.095 APPRAISER QUALIFICATION COMPONENTS. Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 2013 c 135 art 3 s 23] Subd. 2. MS 2018 [Repealed, 1Sp2019 c 7 art 10 s 15] Subd. 3. Conformance to Appraisal Qualifications Board criteria. (a) The requirements to obtain a trainee real property appraiser, licensed real property appraiser, certified residential real property appraiser, or certified […]
82B.105 RECIPROCITY. The education, experience, and examination requirements of this chapter may be waived by the commissioner for individuals of other jurisdictions if: (1) the individual is licensed in another jurisdiction and is listed in good standing on the National Registry maintained by the Appraisal Subcommittee, and (2) the licensing requirements of that jurisdiction are […]
82B.11 CLASSES OF LICENSE. Subdivision 1. Generally. There are five classes of license for real estate appraisers. Subd. 2. MS 2018 [Repealed, 1Sp2019 c 7 art 10 s 15] Subd. 2a. Trainee real property appraiser. The scope of practice for a trainee real property appraiser is the appraisal of properties which a certified residential real […]
82B.13 EDUCATION PREREQUISITES. Subdivision 1. Trainee real property appraiser. As a prerequisite for licensing as a trainee real property appraiser, an applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the commissioner that the person has successfully completed a six-hour course that is specifically oriented to the requirements and responsibilities of supervisory appraisers and trainee appraisers. A course […]
82B.135 COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATIONS FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISER LICENSE. Subdivision 1. Submitting to commissioner. An applicant for a real estate appraiser license must submit to the commissioner, along with an application for licensure and in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, evidence that the applicant has completed all required prelicensing education coursework applicable to the […]
82B.15 NONRESIDENT SERVICE OF PROCESS. Subdivision 1. Appointment of commissioner. A nonresident, before being licensed as a real estate appraiser, shall appoint the commissioner and a successor or successors in office as true and lawful attorney, upon whom may be served all legal process in an action or proceedings against the person, or in which […]
82B.16 PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS AND NOTICE. A licensed real estate appraiser shall advise the commissioner of the address of the person’s principal place of business and all other addresses at which the person is now engaged in the business of preparing real property appraisal reports. When a licensed real estate appraiser changes a place […]
82B.17 LICENSE DESIGNATION. When a real estate appraiser uses the designation real estate appraiser or similar terms in an appraisal report or in a contract or other instrument used by the license holder in conducting real property appraisal activities or in advertisements, the appraiser shall place the appraiser’s license number adjacent to or immediately below […]