88.73 ADMINISTRATION; DELEGATED POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The director is hereby empowered and directed to administer and enforce sections 88.03 to 88.22; and, to that end, may make and enforce all necessary or convenient rules not inconsistent with the provisions and purposes of these sections. In every case the powers delegated to, and the duties […]
88.75 VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES. Subdivision 1. Misdemeanor offenses; damages; injunctive relief. (a) Any person who violates any of the provisions of sections 88.03 to 88.22 for which no specific penalty is therein prescribed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished accordingly. (b) Failure by any person to comply with any provision or requirement of […]
88.76 REWARDS. Upon conviction of any person for violating any of the provisions of sections 88.03 to 88.22, the director may pay, from any money placed at the director’s disposal under those sections, a reward of not more than $1,000 to the person or persons giving the information leading to such conviction. History: (4031-31) 1925 […]
88.77 DISPOSITION OF FINES AND PENALTIES. Except as otherwise expressly provided in sections 88.03 to 88.22, all money received as penalties for violations of the provisions of those sections, less the cost of collection, shall be paid into the treasury of the county in which the penalties for these violations were imposed; provided, that fines […]
88.78 APPEALS. (a) No appeal shall be allowed from a judgment in any prosecution under sections 88.03 to 88.22, unless the person appealing shall, within the time prescribed by law, enter into a recognizance, with sufficient sureties, or deposit cash bail in twice the amount of the fine and costs. (b) The judge may examine […]