88.79 STATE FOREST SERVICE TO PRIVATE OWNERS. Subdivision 1. Employing competent foresters; service to private owners. The commissioner of natural resources may employ competent foresters to furnish owners of forest lands within the state of Minnesota who own not more than 1,000 acres of forest land, forest management services consisting of: (1) advice in management […]
88.80 ASPEN RECYCLING PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The commissioner must establish and accelerate an aspen recycling program providing for the betterment of public lands owned by the state by clearing trees which because of age, disease, pests, or other cause are unmarketable or increase the hazard of forest fires or infestation, permitting the regeneration of […]
88.81 FOREST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN LITIGATION. The commissioner may not implement new or revised forest management practices as part of agreements relating to litigation until the commissioner has reported the forest management practices to the chairs of the environment and natural resources committees of the legislature at the next regular session of the legislature. History: […]
88.82 MINNESOTA RELEAF PROGRAM. The Minnesota releaf program is established in the Department of Natural Resources to encourage, promote, and fund the inventory, planting, assessment, maintenance, improvement, protection, and restoration of trees and forest resources in this state to enhance community forest ecosystem health and sustainability as well as to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels […]