Section 88.02 — Citation; Wildfire Act.
88.02 CITATION; WILDFIRE ACT. Sections 88.02 to 88.22 may be cited as the “Wildfire Act.” History: (4031-1) 1925 c 407 s 1; 1993 c 328 s 9
88.02 CITATION; WILDFIRE ACT. Sections 88.02 to 88.22 may be cited as the “Wildfire Act.” History: (4031-1) 1925 c 407 s 1; 1993 c 328 s 9
88.03 CODIFICATION. Sections 88.03 to 88.22 shall be deemed and construed as a codification, revision, and expansion of, and as supplementary to, and taking the place of, the laws which existed at the time of the passage of Laws 1925, chapter 407, relating to forestry and to wildfires, including Laws 1911, chapter 125, and acts […]
88.04 FIREBREAKS; PREVENTING FIRES. Subdivision 1. Local cooperation. The commissioner shall cooperate with the state highway authorities and with the supervising officers of the various towns and cities in the construction of firebreaks along section lines and public highways. Subd. 2. Firebreak authorization. All cities in the state situated in any wildfire area are hereby […]
88.041 AGREEMENTS TO PREVENT AND SUPPRESS WILDFIRES. The commissioner may enter into agreements with other states, the Canadian or provincial governments to cooperatively prevent and suppress wildfires. History: 1985 c 112 s 1; 1993 c 328 s 12
88.05 ROADSIDES; CLEARING; FIREBREAKS. All highways, roads, and trails within wildfire areas are declared to be established firebreaks and for that purpose the state, through the Department of Natural Resources, is authorized to clean up all dead and down timber, all underbrush, rotting logs, stumps, and all other combustible refuse and debris along each side […]
88.06 REMOVING DEAD OR DOWN TIMBER. The commissioner may permit, under the commissioner’s direct supervision and control, any Civilian Conservation Corps, Works Progress Administration, or other state or federal relief agency actually engaged in the improvement and conservation of state trust fund lands within the boundaries of any state forest to clean up and remove […]
88.065 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. Subject to applicable provisions of state laws respecting purchases, the commissioner of natural resources may purchase for and furnish to any governmental subdivisions of the state authorized to engage in natural disaster relief materials or equipment therefor, and may transport, repair, and renovate natural disaster relief materials and equipment for governmental subdivisions […]
88.067 GRANTS TO LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENTS. The commissioner may make grants for procurement of fire suppression equipment and training of fire departments in techniques of fire control. These grants will enable local fire departments to assist the state more effectively in controlling wildfires. The commissioner may require a local match for any grant. Fire suppression […]
88.068 VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSISTANCE GRANT ACCOUNT. A volunteer fire assistance grant account is established in the special revenue fund. Sales taxes allocated under section 297A.94, for making grants under section 88.067, must be deposited in the special revenue fund and credited to the volunteer fire assistance grant account. Money in the account, including interest, is […]
88.08 WILDFIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS. The commissioner may create and establish wildfire protection districts, including all lands of both state and private ownership, upon which there is a probability of wildfires starting, and establish forest officers over these districts. All such wildfire districts heretofore established and now in existence are hereby continued until and unless hereafter […]
88.09 ACQUIRING LAND FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Subdivision 1. Acceptance of lands. The commissioner may on behalf of the state accept the title to any tract of land, not exceeding 40 acres in area, or to accept any easement in or upon any tract of land, which the commissioner deems necessary or convenient for the use […]
88.10 AUTHORITY OF STATE FOREST OFFICERS. Subdivision 1. General authority. Under the direction of the commissioner, forest officers are charged with preventing and extinguishing wildfires in their respective districts and the performance of such other duties as may be required by the commissioner. They may arrest without warrant any person found violating any provisions of […]
88.11 ASSISTANCE FOR FIGHTING FIRES. Subdivision 1. Firefighting personnel. At any time forest officers, with the approval of the commissioner, may employ suitable persons to prevent and extinguish any fires. Each forest officer so employed shall be supplied with the necessary equipment. The commissioner, or any forest officer, may summon any person of the age […]
88.12 COMPENSATING WILDFIRE FIGHTERS; EMERGENCY EXPENSES. Subdivision 1. Limitation. The compensation and expenses of persons temporarily employed in emergencies in suppression or control of wildfires shall be fixed by the commissioner of natural resources or an authorized agent and paid as provided by law. Such compensation shall not exceed the maximum rate for comparable labor […]
88.14 DISPOSAL OF SLASHINGS AND DEBRIS. Subdivision 1. Order to dispose. Where and whenever in the judgment of the commissioner or any forest officer there is or may be danger of starting and spreading of wildfires from slashings and debris from the cutting of timber of any kind and for any purpose, or from any […]
88.15 CAMPFIRES. Subdivision 1. Extinguishment. Any forest officer, conservation officer, or other peace officer who finds that any person has left a campfire burning shall take measures to extinguish the fire and take action against the person or persons responsible for leaving the campfire burning. Subd. 2. Not to be left burning. (a) Every person […]
88.16 STARTING AND REPORTING FIRES. Subdivision 1. Written permission required. Except as provided in subdivision 2, and section 88.17, it shall be unlawful to start or have any open fire without the written permission of the commissioner, a forest officer, or an authorized fire warden. Subd. 2. Exceptions. No permit is required for the following […]
88.17 PERMISSION TO START FIRES; PROSECUTION FOR UNLAWFULLY STARTING FIRES. Subdivision 1. Permission required. (a) Permission to start a fire to burn vegetative materials and other materials allowed by Minnesota Statutes or official state rules and regulations may be given by the commissioner or the commissioner’s agent. This permission shall be in the form of: […]
88.171 OPEN BURNING PROHIBITIONS. Subdivision 1. Continual. Open burning prohibitions specified in this section are in effect at all times of the year. Subd. 2. Prohibited materials; exceptions. No person shall conduct, cause, or permit open burning of rubber, plastics, chemically treated materials, or other materials which produce excessive or noxious smoke including, but not […]
88.18 FIRE WARDENS. The commissioner may appoint local government officials, authorized Minnesota pollution control agents, fire chiefs, or other responsible persons to be fire wardens in their respective districts. History: (4031-24) 1925 c 407 s 24; 1967 c 146 s 14; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1993 c 328 s 28