US Lawyer Database

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Section 94.345 — Forms Prescribed By Attorney General.

94.345 FORMS PRESCRIBED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. The attorney general shall prescribe or approve the forms for all deeds, certificates, and other instruments required in these proceedings, and the procedure for delivery thereof. History: 1941 c 393 s 5

Section 94.346 — Titles.

94.346 TITLES. Subdivision 1. State may quiet. The state may bring and maintain an action to quiet or register the title to any land or interest in land which it owns or claims in any capacity and to determine all adverse claims thereto under any law pertaining to such proceedings, whether or not the land […]

Section 94.347 — Certain Land Subjected To Like Trusts.

94.347 CERTAIN LAND SUBJECTED TO LIKE TRUSTS. The lands acquired by the state under Laws 1939, chapter 343, shall be subject to like trusts as the state lands involved in the actions for damages mentioned therein. The commissioner shall determine to what trusts the several tracts of land so acquired shall be subject according to […]

Section 94.351 — Escheat Subject To Encumbrance.

94.351 ESCHEAT SUBJECT TO ENCUMBRANCE. When any land has become the property of the state by escheat and is subject to any encumbrance arising from taxes, assessments, or otherwise the commissioner of management and budget, with the approval of the governor and the attorney general and for a consideration to be determined by them, may […]

Section 94.41 — Relinquishment Of Lands To United States.

94.41 RELINQUISHMENT OF LANDS TO UNITED STATES. When any land has been erroneously certified or conveyed to the state by the United States, the governor may execute, under the seal of the state, a relinquishment or reconveyance thereof. History: (6528) RL s 2516

Section 94.44 — Grant By Municipal Corporation.

94.44 GRANT BY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. When the United States shall desire land for any purpose of the government which is owned by any city, town, county, or other municipal or quasi-municipal corporation or in which such corporation has any right it shall be lawful for the governing body of such corporation to grant and convey […]

Section 94.45 — United States Survey; Damages.

94.45 UNITED STATES SURVEY; DAMAGES. Any person employed pursuant to the laws of the United States in the execution of a survey may enter upon any land in the state for the purpose of doing any act which may be necessary thereto, and may establish permanent station marks, and erect the necessary signals and temporary […]

Section 94.46 — Injury To Signal.

94.46 INJURY TO SIGNAL. Whoever willfully defaces, injures, or removes any signal, monument, building, or other property of the United States erected or used in the coast and geodetic survey, pursuant to the laws of the United States, shall forfeit not exceeding $50 for each offense, and shall be liable to the United States for […]

Section 94.47 — Purchasing Lands From United States.

94.47 PURCHASING LANDS FROM UNITED STATES. The commissioner is hereby authorized to purchase, to accept by gift or lease, or by tenure title, any lands owned by the United States government, including timber thereon, within the townships in which state forests, or state parks or game refuges or public shooting grounds have been set apart, […]

Section 94.48 — Expending Money On Leased Land.

94.48 EXPENDING MONEY ON LEASED LAND. When lands are obtained by lease from the United States government under sections 94.47 to 94.51 the commissioner shall be authorized to make expenditures from any funds not otherwise obligated for the management, development, and utilization of such areas; to sell or otherwise dispose of products from such lands […]

Section 94.49 — Payment Of Obligations.

94.49 PAYMENT OF OBLIGATIONS. Obligations for the acquisition of lands by lease incurred under the authority of sections 94.47 to 94.51 shall be paid solely and exclusively from revenues derived from such lands and shall not impose any liability under the general credit and taxing power of the state. History: (6536-3) 1935 c 333 s […]

Section 94.50 — Selling And Exchanging Lands.

94.50 SELLING AND EXCHANGING LANDS. The commissioner, with the approval of the Executive Council, shall have full power and authority to sell, exchange, or lease lands under jurisdiction of the commissioner when it is deemed advantageous to the state in the interests of the highest development, utilization, and management of state forests. Such sale, lease, […]

Section 94.51 — Rulemaking Authority.

94.51 RULEMAKING AUTHORITY. The commissioner is hereby authorized to make such rules as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 94.47 to 94.51 and is hereby authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with appropriative officials of the United States for and on behalf of the state of Minnesota in order to secure […]

Section 94.521 — Distributing Federal Aid.

94.521 DISTRIBUTING FEDERAL AID. Subdivision 1. Expenditures. All sums of money heretofore or which may hereafter be received from the United States government on account of the Act of Congress approved June 28, 1934 (Statutes at Large, volume 48, page 1273), amended by act approved June 26, 1936 (Statutes at Large, volume 49, page 1978), […]

Section 94.522 — Payments To County Treasurers; Use Of Proceeds.

94.522 PAYMENTS TO COUNTY TREASURERS; USE OF PROCEEDS. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of management and budget to transmit payments from the state treasury to the county treasurer of the respective counties for the sums that may be due in accordance with section 94.521, which sums are hereby appropriated out of the […]

Section 94.53 — Payments To County Treasurers; Federal Loans To Counties.

94.53 PAYMENTS TO COUNTY TREASURERS; FEDERAL LOANS TO COUNTIES. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of management and budget to transmit payments from the state treasury to the county treasurers of the respective counties for the sum that may be due in accordance with sections 94.52 to 94.54, which sum or sums are […]

Section 94.54 — Schools And Roads Near National Forests.

94.54 SCHOOLS AND ROADS NEAR NATIONAL FORESTS. It shall be the duty of the county board of each county receiving such money to use the portion allotted to public schools to aid in maintaining those school districts that may be situated within or near the national forest, and the portion allotted for public roads shall […]

Section 94.55 — Transfer Of State-owned Improvements.

94.55 TRANSFER OF STATE-OWNED IMPROVEMENTS. The commissioner may sell or transfer an improvement located on state-owned lands, the compensation for which shall be determined by the commissioner. The sale or transfer shall be accomplished by a bill of sale, describing the improvement transferred and the terms and conditions of the sale or transfer. Proceeds resulting […]