97A.301 GENERAL PENALTY PROVISIONS. Subdivision 1. Misdemeanor. Unless a different penalty is prescribed, a person is guilty of a misdemeanor if that person: (1) violates the game and fish laws; (2) aids or assists in committing the violation; (3) knowingly shares in the proceeds of the violation; (4) fails to perform a duty or comply […]
97A.305 IMPERSONATING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. A person that purports to be acting in an official capacity and causes another to be injured or defrauded while falsely impersonating an enforcement officer or other officer acting under authority of the game and fish laws, or falsely claiming to have special authority under those laws, is guilty of a […]
97A.311 LICENSES. Subdivision 1. Altering license. A person that alters a license in a material manner is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 2. False statement. A person that knowingly makes a false statement related to an application for a license, a license, or certificate, required by or issued under the game and fish laws, is […]
97A.315 TRESPASS. Subdivision 1. Criminal penalties. (a) A person that violates a provision of section 97B.001, relating to trespass is guilty of a misdemeanor except as provided in paragraph (b). (b) A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor if the person: (1) knowingly disregards signs prohibiting trespass; (2) trespasses after personally being notified by […]
97A.321 DOGS PURSUING, WOUNDING, OR KILLING BIG GAME. Subdivision 1. Owner responsibility; penalty amount. (a) The owner of a dog that pursues but does not kill or mortally wound a big game animal is subject to a civil penalty of $100 for each violation. The owner of a dog that kills or mortally wounds a […]
97A.325 PENALTIES FOR UNLAWFULLY BUYING OR SELLING WILD ANIMALS. Subdivision 1. Gross misdemeanor for sales of $300 or more. (a) A person that buys or sells protected wild animals in violation of the game and fish laws where the sales total $300 or more is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. The person is subject to […]
97A.331 PENALTIES RELATED TO HUNTING. Subdivision 1. Hunting while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. A person that violates the provision of section 97B.065 relating to hunting while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 2. Shining. A person that violates section 97B.081, […]
97A.335 PENALTIES RELATED TO FISHING. Subdivision 1. Taking fish with illegal devices or substances. A person that takes fish with devices, chemicals or substances in violation of section 97C.325, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 2. Illegally taking or possessing muskellunge. A person who takes or possesses a muskellunge in violation of the game […]
97A.338 GROSS OVERLIMITS OF WILD ANIMALS; PENALTY. (a) A person who takes, possesses, or transports wild animals over the legal limit, in closed season, or without a valid license, when the restitution value of the wild animals is over $1,000 is guilty of a gross overlimit violation. Except as provided in paragraph (b), a violation […]
97A.341 RESTITUTION FOR WILD ANIMALS ILLEGALLY TAKEN. Subdivision 1. Liability for restitution. A person who kills, injures, or possesses a wild animal in violation of the game and fish laws is liable to the state for the value of the wild animal as provided in this section. Species afforded protection include members of the following […]
97A.345 RESTITUTION VALUE OF WILD ANIMALS. (a) The commissioner may, by rules adopted under chapter 14, prescribe the dollar value to the state of species of wild animals. The value may reflect the value to other persons to legally take the wild animal, the replacement cost, or the intrinsic value to the state of the […]