97C.301 LICENSE REQUIRED TO TAKE FISH. Subdivision 1. Requirement. Unless exempted under section 97A.445, 97A.451, or 97A.465, subdivision 1, a person must have a license to take fish as provided in this section. Subd. 2. Angling. A person may not take fish without an angling license. Subd. 2a. Aquatic invasive species affirmation. (a) A nonresident […]
97C.303 CONSERVATION ANGLING LICENSE. Subdivision 1. Availability. The commissioner shall make available a conservation angling license according to this section. Conservation angling licenses shall be offered for resident individuals and resident married couples. Subd. 2. Daily and possession limits. Daily and possession limits for fish taken under a conservation angling license are one-half the daily […]
97C.305 TROUT-AND-SALMON STAMP VALIDATION. Subdivision 1. Requirement. Except as provided in subdivision 2 or section 97A.405, subdivision 2, a person over age 18 and under age 65 required to possess an angling license must have a trout-and-salmon stamp validation to: (1) take fish by angling in: (i) a stream designated by the commissioner as a […]
97C.311 LAKE SUPERIOR FISHING-GUIDE LICENSE. Subdivision 1. License required. A person may not operate a charter boat and guide anglers on Lake Superior or the St. Louis River Estuary for compensation without a fishing guide license. For purposes of this subdivision and section 97A.475, subdivision 15, “St. Louis River Estuary” means the United States Coast […]
97C.315 ANGLING LINES AND HOOKS. Subdivision 1. Lines. An angler may not use more than one line except: (1) two lines may be used to take fish through the ice; and (2) the commissioner may, by rule, authorize the use of two lines in areas designated by the commissioner in Lake Superior. Subd. 2. Hooks. […]
97C.317 FISHING BY PARTY. While two or more persons are taking fish by angling as a party, the total number of fish taken and the total number of fish possessed by the party may not exceed the limit of the number of persons in the party that may take and possess fish by angling. For […]
97C.321 RESTRICTIONS ON UNATTENDED LINES. Subdivision 1. General prohibition. A person may not take fish by angling with a set line or an unattended line except as provided in this section and rules adopted under the game and fish laws. Subd. 2. Ice fishing. A person may use an unattended line to take fish through […]
97C.325 RESTRICTIONS ON TAKING FISH. (a) Except as specifically authorized, a person may not take fish with: (1) explosives, chemicals, drugs, poisons, lime, medicated bait, fish berries, or other similar substances; (2) substances or devices that kill, stun, or affect the nervous system of fish; (3) nets, traps, trot lines, or snares; or (4) spring […]
97C.327 MEASURING FISH LENGTH. For the purpose of determining compliance with size limits for fish in this chapter or in rules of the commissioner, the length of a fish must be measured from the tip of the nose or jaw, whichever is longer, to the farthest tip of the tail when fully extended. History: 1993 […]
97C.331 SNAGGING FISH PROHIBITED. Subdivision 1. General prohibition. A person may not: (1) intentionally take fish by snagging; or (2) use a snag line, snag pole, snag hook, or cluster of fish hooks, designed to be placed in or drawn through the water to hook the body of a fish. Subd. 2. Lake Superior tributaries. […]
97C.335 USE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS TO TAKE FISH PROHIBITED. (a) A person may not use artificial lights to lure or attract fish or to see fish in the water while spearing, except that while angling or spearing, a person may: (1) affix a lighted artificial bait with hooks attached to the end of a fishing […]
97C.341 CERTAIN AQUATIC LIFE PROHIBITED FOR BAIT. (a) A person may not use live minnows imported from outside of the state, game fish, goldfish, or carp for bait. Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (d), the commissioner may adopt rules to authorize the use of game fish eggs as bait in Lake Superior and its tributaries below […]
97C.342 DISEASE-FREE CERTIFICATION; FROZEN OR DEAD FISH BAIT. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given: (1) “Water body” means waters identified by a unique Department of Natural Resources public water identification number; a body of water that has defined boundaries and that has no Department of Natural […]
97C.345 RESTRICTIONS ON USING AND POSSESSING NETS AND SPEARS. Subdivision 1. When use prohibited. Except as specifically authorized, a person may not take fish with a spear from the third Monday in February to the Friday before the last Saturday in April and may not take fish with a fish trap, net, dip net, seine, […]
97C.351 FISH NETS; TAGS. A person may not possess a fish net unless specifically authorized or a tag is attached bearing the name and address of the owner when the net is not in use and the name and address of the operator when the net is in use, as prescribed by the commissioner. This […]
97C.355 SHELTERS ON ICE; DARK HOUSES AND FISH HOUSES. Subdivision 1. Identification required. All shelters on the ice of state waters, except portable shelters under subdivision 2a but including dark houses and fish houses, must have: (1) the owner’s name and address, (2) the owner’s driver’s license number, or (3) the “MDNR#” license identification number […]
97C.361 RESTRICTIONS ON FISH HOUSES AND DARK HOUSES IN BOUNDARY WATERS CANOE AREA. A person may only use a portable fish house or dark house within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The house must be removed from the waters and collapsed or disassembled each night. The house may not remain in the Boundary Waters Canoe […]
97C.371 SPEARING FISH. Subdivision 1. Species allowed. Only rough fish, catfish, lake whitefish, and northern pike may be taken by spearing. Subd. 2. Dark houses required for certain species. Catfish, lake whitefish, and northern pike may be speared only from dark houses. Subd. 3. Restrictions while spearing from dark house. A person may not take […]
97C.375 TAKING ROUGH FISH BY SPEARING. (a) A resident or nonresident may take rough fish by spearing according to paragraph (b) and during the times, in waters, and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. (b) Suckers may be taken by spearing from the last Saturday in April through the last Sunday in February. History: […]
97C.376 BOW FISHING. Subdivision 1. Season. (a) The regular bow-fishing season for residents and nonresidents is from the last Saturday in April to the last Sunday in February at any time of the day. (b) The early bow-fishing season for residents and nonresidents is open only south of State Highway 210 from the Monday after […]