97C.501 MINNOW LICENSES REQUIRED. Subdivision 1. Minnow retailers. (a) A person may not be a minnow retailer without a minnow retailer license except as provided in subdivisions 2, paragraph (d), and 3. A person must purchase a minnow retailer license for each minnow retail outlet operated, except as provided by subdivision 2, paragraph (d). (b) […]
97C.502 MINNOWS AND LEECHES; INVASIVE SPECIES TRAINING REQUIRED. Subdivision 1. Minnows; invasive species training required. A minnow dealer, and each person working under the minnow dealer’s license, must annually satisfactorily complete aquatic invasive-species-related training provided by the commissioner before taking, selling, or transporting for sale minnows within the state. Subd. 2. Training certification required. Minnow […]
97C.505 MINNOWS. Subdivision 1. Authority to take, possess, buy, and sell. (a) Minnows may be taken, possessed, bought, and sold, subject to the restrictions in this chapter, section 84D.03, subdivision 3, and rules adopted by the commissioner under paragraph (b). A person may not take, possess, or sell minnows except for use as bait or […]
97C.511 MINNOW SEINES. Subdivision 1. Size restrictions. Except as provided in subdivision 2, a person may not take minnows with a seine longer than 25 feet, and deeper than: (1) 148 meshes of 1/4-inch bar measure; (2) 197 meshes of 3/16-inch bar measure; or (3) four feet of material of less than 3/16-inch bar measure. […]
97C.515 IMPORTED MINNOWS. Subdivision 1. General prohibition. A person may not bring live minnows into the state except as provided in this section. Subd. 2. Permit for transportation. (a) A person may transport live minnows through the state with a permit from the commissioner. The permit must state the name and address of the person, […]
97C.521 TRANSPORTING CARP FINGERLINGS PROHIBITED. Except as provided in section 17.4984, subdivision 2, paragraph (g), a person may not transport live carp fingerlings. History: 1986 c 386 art 3 s 50; 2000 c 331 s 5
97C.525 RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSPORTING MINNOWS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. This section does not apply to the transportation of 24 dozen minnows, or less, or to transportation with a permit issued under section 97C.515, subdivision 2. Subd. 2. Transporting out of state. A person may not transport minnows out of the state, except as provided in this […]