Effective – 28 Aug 1961 49.303. Disposition of garbage and refuse by constitutional charter county — plants, how financed. — 1. Whenever the county council or other legislative authority of any first class county having a constitutional charter finds it necessary for the protection of the public health to construct and operate incinerators or composting […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.305. Sites for courthouse, jail, may acquire — funds from which payment authorized. — The county commission of any county may acquire by purchase, for the county, improved or unimproved real estate for a site for a courthouse, jail or poorhouse or infirmary; or, when the county owns the site […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2021, 2 histories 49.310. County commission to erect and maintain courthouses, jails — issue bonds — certain counties authorized to maintain jails outside boundaries of county seat — courthouse with offices and court facilities, special rules. — 1. Except as provided in sections 221.400 to 221.420 and subsection 2 of this […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.320. County commission may order buildings erected. — Whenever the county commission of any county thinks it expedient to erect any of the buildings aforesaid, the building of which is not otherwise provided for, and there are sufficient funds in the county treasury for that purpose, not otherwise appropriated, or […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.330. Superintendent, appointment, compensation. — The county commission shall appoint some suitable person to superintend the erection of the buildings who shall take an oath to discharge faithfully and impartially the duties enjoined on him by sections 49.310 to 49.470. The superintendent of the county buildings shall receive the compensation […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2003 49.370. Site for county building. — 1. The county commission shall designate the place whereon to erect any county building, on any land belonging to such county, at the established seat of justice thereof. If there is no suitable ground belonging to said county within the limits of the original […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.390. Circuit court to examine title. — Such court shall examine its title and certify its decision thereon to the county commission. ——– (RSMo 1939 § 13721, A.L. 1983 S.B. 219) Prior revisions: 1929 § 12062; 1919 § 9462; 1909 § 3683 Effective 1-01-85
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.400. County commission to pay for building site, when. — If the title to the land so purchased or received be approved, the county commission, if they approve the selection, shall make an order for the payment of the purchase money, if any, out of the county treasury. ——– (RSMo […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.410. Plan of building to be submitted. — When the ground for erecting any public building shall be designated, as aforesaid, the superintendent shall prepare and submit to the county commission a plan of the building to be erected, the dimensions thereof, and the materials of which it is to […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.420. Advertisement for bids — may let at private contract, when. — When any plan shall be approved by the county commission, the superintendent shall immediately advertise for bids for the erection and construction of same, stating in such advertisement a description of such building or buildings, and shall contract […]
Effective – 30 Apr 1982 49.430. Bond of contractor. — The superintendent shall take from the contractor a bond to the county, with sufficient security, for the performance of the work at the time and in the manner agreed on, according to the plan, under a penalty at least one hundred ten percent of the […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.440. Superintendent to supervise work and report progress. — The superintendent shall oversee and direct the execution of the work, and see that the materials employed are good, and that the work is executed according to contract, and make report of the progress and condition thereof, from time to time, […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.450. Payments to contractor, when made. — When any installment shall become due to the undertaker, according to contract, the county commission shall make an order that the same be paid out of the county treasury. ——– (RSMo 1939 § 13727, A.L. 1983 S.B. 219) Prior revisions: 1929 § 12068; […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.460. Order of payment, when made. — No such order shall be made unless the superintendent shall certify to the county commission that the due proportion of the work has been completed and executed according to contract. ——– (RSMo 1939 § 13728, A.L. 1983 S.B. 219) Prior revisions: 1929 § […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.470. County commission may alter and repair county buildings, when. — The county commission of each county shall have power, from time to time, to alter, repair or build any county buildings, which have been or may hereafter be erected, as circumstances may require, and the funds of the county […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.480. Insurance of courthouses and jails — disposition of proceeds. — In all cases where courthouses or jails are insured, and are totally or partially destroyed by fire, windstorms or cyclones, the money realized on said insurance shall not be placed in the general revenue of the county, but the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1939 49.490. Damages recoverable for injuring county property. — If any person commit any waste, trespass or other injury in or upon any county buildings or other property belonging to any county, he shall forfeit and pay, to the use of the county, fourfold damages, to be recovered in the name […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.500. County contracts to be inquired into on petition. — Whenever any fifty resident, solvent and responsible taxpaying citizens of any county in the state shall have good reason to believe, and do believe, that any contract made and entered into by the county commission, with any person or corporation, […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1985 49.510. County to provide and equip offices. — It shall be the duty of the county to provide offices or space where the officers of the county may properly carry on and perform the duties and functions of their respective offices. Said county shall maintain, furnish and equip said offices […]