Effective – 28 Aug 2005 65.600. County collector and assessor — tenure upon adoption of township organization. — 1. In any county in this state which may hereafter adopt township organization, the person holding the office of the collector of the revenue in such county, at the time in March when township organization becomes effective […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories 65.610. Abolition of township organization — procedure. — 1. Upon the petition of at least ten percent of voters at the last general election of any county having heretofore adopted township organization, praying therefor, the county commission shall submit the question of the abolition of township organization to […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories 65.620. Abolition of township government — effect. — 1. Whenever any county abolishes township organization the county treasurer and ex officio collector shall immediately settle his accounts as treasurer with the county commission and shall thereafter perform all duties, exercise all powers, have all rights and be subject […]