Effective – 28 Aug 1971 138.140. Board of equalization — members — oath — compensation — vacancies, how filled. — 1. In all constitutional charter cities not situated within any county there shall be a board of equalization consisting of the assessor, who shall be its president, and four taxpaying, property-owning citizens resident in the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1959 138.150. Powers and duties — notice of increase. — 1. The board shall hear complaints and appeals, and adjust, correct, and equalize the valuations and assessments of any real or tangible personal property taxable by the city and assess and equalize the value of any real or tangible personal property […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2008 138.170. Length and period of meetings — subpoena witnesses — hearings. — 1. Except as provided in subsection 4 of this section, the board shall meet on the first Monday in July, annually, and may continue to meet as needed until the fourth Saturday in August. 2. The board may […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2008 138.180. Appeal to board of equalization, how taken. — Any person may appeal in writing to the board of equalization from the assessment of his property, which appeal shall specify the matter of which he complains and which shall be filed at the office of the assessor of the city […]