Effective – 28 Aug 2004 140.730. Procedure for collection of personal taxes. — 1. Tangible personal property taxes assessed on and after January 1, 1946, and all personal taxes delinquent at that date, shall constitute a debt, as of the date on which such taxes were levied for which a personal judgment may be recovered […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1951 140.740. Notification to delinquent taxpayer — fee. — 1. Before any suit shall be brought to recover delinquent tangible personal property taxes, the collector shall notify the delinquent taxpayer by regular mail, addressed to the last known address of such taxpayer, that there are taxes assessed against him, stating the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1945 140.750. Commission allowed on collection of revenue. — All officers required by law to receive and pay over to the collectors any part of the state and county revenue shall receive as full compensation, commission on the amount received at the rate of two percent; provided, that in counties of […]