Effective – 28 Aug 2002 148.610. Definitions. — For the purposes of sections 148.610 to 148.700, providing for the taxation of credit unions and savings and loan associations, the following terms mean: (1) “Association”, a savings and loan association or building and loan association organized under the laws of this state, any other state, or […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1993 148.620. Annual tax on net income, rate — credits allowed, exceptions. — 1. Every taxpayer shall be subject to an annual tax for the privilege of exercising its corporate franchises within the state according to and measured by its net income for the preceding year. 2. The rate of tax […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1993 148.630. Net income and gross income defined — deductions authorized — net income computation — business activity taxable in another state, apportionment, manner — property factor defined — payroll factor defined — receivables factor defined — deposits factor defined. — 1. “Gross income” shall include all gains, profits, earnings and […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1987 148.640. Return filed when — extension of time granted when — interest due on late filing, rate. — Every taxpayer shall file a return with the director on or before the fifteenth day of April in each year. The director may grant a reasonable extension of time for filing returns […]
Effective – 01 Jan 1987 148.650. Payment of tax due when — excess payment, credit allowed — delinquent, interest charged. — 1. The tax imposed by this chapter shall be due and payable upon the last day upon which a return must be filed under section 148.640. 2. Upon the filing of such return the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2006 148.655. Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of associations, amount. — Subchapter S corporation shareholders of an association required to pay franchise taxes under section 148.620 may take a tax credit against such shareholder’s state income tax return, as provided in section 143.471. Such tax credit shall be the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2006 148.657. Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of credit institutions, amount. — Subchapter S corporation shareholders of a credit institution required to pay franchise taxes under section 148.140 may take a tax credit against such shareholder’s state income tax return, as provided in section 143.471. Such tax credit shall […]
Effective – 25 May 1982 148.660. Deposit of taxes, director of revenue’s duties — funds established — investment of funds — distribution of interest to counties, computation. — The director of revenue shall deposit promptly all funds received by him in payment of the tax imposed by sections 148.610 to 148.710 to the credit of […]
Effective – 25 May 1982 148.670. Taxes returned to county where taxpayer has office — state collection fee — branch offices, distribution — offices outside state, exclusion. — The director of revenue shall annually, on or before the fifteenth day of December, return all savings association and credit union taxes collected, less two percent thereof […]
Effective – 25 May 1982 148.680. Hearing procedure on disputed amount — appeal. — In the event the tax due by the taxpayer shall not fairly represent the extent of the taxpayer’s business in this state, the taxpayer may petition for or the director of revenue may require, in respect to any part of the […]
Effective – 25 May 1982 148.690. First taxable year, when, how computed. — Each association and credit union organized under the laws of this state and each association organized under the laws of the United States to be located in Missouri, with the date of its certificate of incorporation, or the date of the completion […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1996 148.700. Rules and regulations, authority to promulgate, procedure — taxpayer’s reports subject to inspection, confidentiality requirement. — The director shall prescribe and publish all needed rules and regulations necessary for the enforcement of sections 148.610 to 148.700. Insofar as feasible, as may be determined by the director, such rules and […]
Effective – 25 May 1982 148.710. Violations, penalties. — The same penalties shall be assessed against delinquent taxpayers under the provisions of sections 148.610 to 148.700 as are provided by sections 143.911, 143.921, and 143.931 relating to income taxes. ——– (L. 1982 H.B. 949 & 1350) Effective 5-25-82