Section 208.850 – Title.
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.850. Title. — Title. Sections 208.850 to 208.871 shall be known as and may be cited as “The Quality Home Care Act”. ——– (L. 2008 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition B, § 1, November 4, 2008)
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.850. Title. — Title. Sections 208.850 to 208.871 shall be known as and may be cited as “The Quality Home Care Act”. ——– (L. 2008 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition B, § 1, November 4, 2008)
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.853. Findings and purpose. — Findings and purposes. The people of the state of Missouri find as follows: (1) Thousands of Missouri senior citizens and people with disabilities continue to live independently in their own homes and avoid placement in institutions such as nursing homes only as the result of […]
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.856. Council created, expenses, members, terms, removal. — The Missouri Quality Home Care Council. 1. Effective January 31, 2009, the Missouri quality home care council is hereby created to ensure* the availability and improve the quality of home care services by recruiting, training and stabilizing the personal care attendant workforce. […]
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.859. Powers and duties of the council. — The powers and duties of the council. The council shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Assess the size, quality and stability of the home care workforce in Missouri and the ability of the existing workforce to meet the growing and […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories *208.862. Consumer rights and employment relations. — 1. Consumers shall retain the right to hire, fire, supervise, and train personal care attendants. 2. Vendors shall continue to perform the functions provided in sections 208.900 to 208.930. In addition to having a philosophy that promotes the consumer’s ability to […]
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.865. Definitions. — Definitions. As used in sections 208.850 to 208.871: (1) “Consumer” means a person receiving personal care assistance services from a personal care attendant as defined in subdivision (4) of this section; (2) “Council” means the Missouri quality home care council; (3) “Department” means the Missouri department of […]
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.868. Federal approval and funding. — Federal approval and funding. The council and the state of Missouri shall take all actions reasonably necessary to obtain any approval from the United States needed to implement any part of sections 208.850 to 208.871 and to ensure* continued federal funding of any program […]
Effective – 04 Nov 2008 208.871. Severability clause. — Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of sections 208.850 to 208.871 is held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect any remaining portion, section, or part thereof which can be given effect without the invalid provision. ——– (L. 2008 […]