15-7-401. Purpose. The legislature finds that the rapid commercial and industrial growth in many Montana cities and towns is engulfing homes. Owners of these homes are often forced to pay higher property taxes upon these homes because their property is appraised on its industrial or commercial use. The legislature intends that houses and lots in these […]
15-7-402. Application for residential appraisal of certain land and improvements. (1) Any person wishing to ensure that the person’s residential land and improvements are appraised as residential may file a signed application with the department. (2) In the application, the owner shall: (a) assert that the property is used only for human habitation and is the principal residence […]
15-7-403. Rollback tax — computation. (1) (a) Subject to 15-10-420, if land and improvements appraised as residential as a result of an application filed under 15-7-402 are changed to industrial or commercial use, the property is subject to a rollback tax in addition to the property tax levied on the property. The rollback tax is a lien […]