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18-4-301. Definitions

18-4-301. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Alternative procurement method” means a method of procuring supplies or services in a manner not specifically described in this chapter, but instead authorized by the department under 18-4-302. (2) ”American-made” means either a product made exclusively within the United States or a value-added product consisting of […]

18-4-302. Methods of source selection — authorization for alternative procurement methods

18-4-302. Methods of source selection — authorization for alternative procurement methods. (1) Unless otherwise authorized by law, all state contracts for supplies and services must be awarded by a source selection method provided for in this title. Supplies or services offered for sale, lease, or rental by public utilities are exempt from this requirement if the […]

18-4-303. Competitive sealed bidding

18-4-303. Competitive sealed bidding. (1) An invitation for bids must be issued and must include a purchase description and conditions applicable to the procurement. (2) Adequate public notice of the invitation for bids must be given a reasonable time before the date set forth in the invitation for the opening of bids, in accordance with rules adopted […]

18-4-304. Competitive sealed proposals

18-4-304. Competitive sealed proposals. (1) The department may procure supplies and services through competitive sealed proposals. (2) Proposals must be solicited through a request for proposals. (3) Adequate public notice of the request for proposals must be given in the same manner as provided in 18-4-303(2). (4) After the proposals have been opened at the time and place designated […]

18-4-305. Small purchases and limited solicitations

18-4-305. Small purchases and limited solicitations. Any procurement not exceeding the amount established by rule may be made in accordance with small purchase or limited solicitation procedures established by the department. Procurement requirements may not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase or limited solicitation under this section. History: En. Sec. 16, Ch. 519, […]

18-4-306. Sole source procurement — records

18-4-306. Sole source procurement — records. (1) A contract may be awarded for a supply or service item without competition when, under rules adopted by the department, the director, the head of a purchasing agency, or a designee of either officer above the level of the procurement officer determines in writing that: (a) there is only one […]

18-4-307. Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals

18-4-307. Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals. An invitation for bids, a request for proposals, or other solicitation may be canceled or any or all bids or proposals may be rejected in whole or in part, as may be specified in the solicitation, when it is in the best interests of the state. […]

18-4-308. Nonresponsibility of bidders and offerors

18-4-308. Nonresponsibility of bidders and offerors. A written determination of nonresponsibility of a bidder or offeror must be made in accordance with rules adopted by the department. The unreasonable failure of a bidder or offeror to promptly supply information in connection with an inquiry with respect to responsibility may be grounds for a determination of nonresponsibility […]

18-4-309. Prequalification of suppliers

18-4-309. Prequalification of suppliers. Prospective suppliers may be prequalified in accordance with department rules for particular types of supplies and services. History: En. Sec. 20, Ch. 519, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 15, Ch. 443, L. 1997.

18-4-310. Types of contracts

18-4-310. Types of contracts. Any type of contract that will promote the best interests of the state may be used. History: En. Sec. 21, Ch. 519, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 16, Ch. 443, L. 1997.

18-4-311. Repealed

18-4-311. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 87, L. 2017. History: En. Sec. 22, Ch. 519, L. 1983.

18-4-312. Bid and contract performance security

18-4-312. Bid and contract performance security. (1) For state contracts for the procurement of services or of supplies, the department may in its discretion require: (a) bid security; (b) contract performance security to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all laborers, suppliers, mechanics, and subcontractors; or (c) both bid and contract performance security. (2) (a) If […]

18-4-313. Contracts — terms, extensions, and time limits

18-4-313. Contracts — terms, extensions, and time limits. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) or unless otherwise provided by law, a contract, lease, or rental agreement for supplies or services may not be made for a period of more than 7 years. A contract, lease, or rental agreement may be extended or renewed if the […]

18-4-314. Reporting of anticompetitive practices

18-4-314. Reporting of anticompetitive practices. If for any reason collusion or other anticompetitive practices are suspected among any bidders or offerors, a notice of the relevant facts shall be transmitted to the attorney general by the department. History: En. Sec. 25, Ch. 519, L. 1983.