18-7-201. Requirements for choice of newspaper — price. (1) In all cases and instances where any publication is required by law or is duly authorized to be made, executed, or accomplished by, for, or on behalf of the state of Montana or any of the institutions of said state or any of the departments, boards, bureaus, […]
18-7-202. Lower rates permissible. The prices, rates, and standards herein fixed and prescribed are in each instance and for every case covered by this part the maximum prices, rates, and standards. Their prescription and establishment herein shall in no case be taken as prohibiting a lesser or lower rate or price than herein fixed. Every department, […]
18-7-203. Folio measurement. (1) The following is the basis of measurement for the computation of folios in the various sizes of type, when set in a column 13 ems pica wide, and constitutes a folio within the meaning of this part: (a) 12 lines of 6-point type; (b) 14 lines of 7-point type; (c) 16 lines of 8-point type; […]
18-7-204. Affidavit of printer — allowance of claims. No claim against the state for legal advertising or any of the publications covered by this part shall be allowed unless there is attached to said claim the certification of the publisher or printer (in the case of corporations or quasi-corporations by the business or advertising manager thereof) […]
18-7-205. Penalty for false affidavit or overcharge. Any person or any corporation or any firm or any quasi-corporation who shall violate any provision of this part or swear falsely hereunder or charge or attempt to charge the state of Montana in excess of the prices and rates herein fixed or in any manner circumvent or attempt […]