18-8-201. Statement of policy. The legislature hereby establishes a state policy that governmental agencies publicly announce requirements for architectural, engineering, and land surveying services and negotiate contracts for such professional services on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of professional services required and at fair and reasonable prices. History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. […]
18-8-202. Definitions. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Agency” means a state agency, local agency, or special district. (2) ”Architectural, engineering, and land surveying” means services rendered by a person, other than as an employee of an agency, contracting to perform activities within the scope of the general definition of […]
18-8-203. Public notice of agency requirements. Each agency shall publish in advance its requirement for professional services. The announcement must state concisely the general scope and nature of the project or work for which the services are required and the address of a representative of the agency who can provide further details. An agency may comply […]
18-8-204. Procedures for selection. (1) In the procurement of architectural, engineering, and land surveying services, the agency may encourage firms engaged in the lawful practice of their profession to submit annually or biennially a statement of qualifications and performance data. The agency shall evaluate current statements of qualifications and performance data on file with the agency, […]
18-8-205. Negotiation of contract for services. (1) The agency shall negotiate a contract with the most qualified firm for architectural, engineering, and land surveying services at a price that the agency determines to be fair and reasonable. In making its determination, the agency shall take into account the estimated value of the services to be rendered, […]
18-8-206 through 18-8-209 reserved.
18-8-210. Energy performance contracts exempt. This part does not apply to solicitation and award of an investment grade energy audit or energy performance contract pursuant to Title 90, chapter 4, part 11, or to the construction or installation of conservation measures pursuant to the energy performance contract. History: En. Sec. 12, Ch. 162, L. 2005.
18-8-211. Coordination with other statutes. (1) This part need not be complied with by an agency when the contracting authority makes a finding in accordance with this or any other applicable law that an emergency requires the immediate execution of the work involved. This part does not relieve the contracting authority from complying with applicable law […]
18-8-212. Exception. (1) All agencies securing architectural, engineering, and land surveying services for projects for which the fees are estimated not to exceed $50,000 may contract for those professional services by direct negotiation. (2) Except as provided in 18-8-204(3), an agency may not separate service contracts or split or break projects for the purpose of circumventing the […]