2-1-201. Jurisdiction in federal enclaves. The extent of the jurisdiction of this state over places that have been or may be ceded to, purchased, or condemned by the United States is qualified by the terms of such cession or the laws under which such purchase or condemnation has been or may be made. History: En. Sec. 40, […]
2-1-202. Jurisdiction over lands purchased by United States — reservation of rights to state. Pursuant to Article I, section 8, paragraph 17, of the constitution of the United States, consent to purchase is hereby given and exclusive jurisdiction is ceded to the United States over and with respect to any lands within the limits of this […]
2-1-203. Withdrawal of offer to cede legislative jurisdiction. The offer by the state of Montana to cede to the federal government legislative jurisdiction over areas within the state of Montana as contained in the act of the second legislative assembly of the state of Montana, 1891, entitled: “An Act Giving the Consent of the State of […]
2-1-204. Military reservations — service of process. (1) Authority is granted to and acknowledged in the United States to exercise exclusive legislation as provided by the constitution of the United States over the military reservation of Fort Missoula as established by law to the same extent and with the same effect as if the reservation had […]
2-1-205. Glacier national park. Exclusive jurisdiction shall be and the same is hereby ceded to the United States over and within all the territory which is now or may hereafter be included in that tract of land in the state of Montana set aside by the act of congress, approved May 11, 1910, for the purposes […]
2-1-206. Cession and retrocession of jurisdiction over Blackfeet highway. (1) Concurrent police jurisdiction shall be and the same is hereby granted to the United States of America over and within all the territory which is now or may hereafter be included in the rights-of-way of the Blackfeet highway, including the highway itself throughout its length between […]
2-1-207. Yellowstone national park. Exclusive jurisdiction shall be and the same is hereby ceded to the United States over all that part of territory situate in the state of Montana now embraced in the Yellowstone national park, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east boundary of Yellowstone park with the south boundary of […]
2-1-208. Withdrawal of consent to purchase additional state lands for national park. The consent of the state of Montana to the purchase by the United States of lands within the state of Montana to be embraced in Yellowstone national park, other than the lands described in 2-1-207, and the consent of the state of Montana to […]
2-1-209. Concurrent jurisdiction over Fort Peck Dam ceded to United States — reservation of rights to state. Consent to purchase or condemn all necessary lands is hereby given and concurrent jurisdiction is ceded to the United States over the Fort Peck Dam, the body of water or artificial lake created by the dam, the land under […]
2-1-210. Consent to purchase of lands by United States for national forest purposes — jurisdiction. (1) For the purpose of more effectively cooperating with the United States in the consolidating and rounding out of national forests in accordance with land use plans and to facilitate the placing of forest lands other than national forest but which […]
2-1-211. Consent to purchase lands for migratory bird reservations — jurisdiction. Consent of the state of Montana is given to the acquisition by the United States by purchase, gift, devise, or lease of such areas of land, water, or land and water in the state of Montana as the United States may deem necessary for the […]
2-1-212. Acceptance of concurrent jurisdiction over veterans center. The state of Montana hereby accepts the cession of concurrent jurisdiction with the United States over the real property comprising the veterans center, Fort Harrison, Montana, as ceded by Public Law 91-45, 88 Stat. 48, which was approved July 19, 1969, and made effective upon acceptance of the […]
2-1-213. Acceptance of concurrent jurisdiction over Big Hole national battlefield. The state of Montana accepts the retrocession in Public Law 88-24, which was approved May 17, 1963, and made effective upon acceptance of the retrocession by the state of Montana of such jurisdiction as had been ceded by this state to the United States over the […]
2-1-214. Concurrent jurisdiction of the United States over certain lands dedicated to national park purposes. (1) Concurrent jurisdiction over crimes and offenses under the laws of the state is ceded to the United States over and within all the lands dedicated to national park purposes in the following tracts: (a) Big Horn Canyon; (b) Grant-Kohrs national historic site; […]
2-1-215. Acceptance of jurisdiction over federal lands. The consent of the state is hereby given to the retrocession of jurisdiction, either partially or wholly, by the United States of America over lands owned by the United States of America within the boundaries of Montana that are used for national park purposes. The governor is authorized to […]
2-1-216. Filing of acceptance of jurisdiction over federal lands. (1) When the state receives written notification from the authorized official or agent of the United States of America that the United States desires or is willing to relinquish to the state jurisdiction, or a portion thereof, over certain lands owned by the United States within Montana […]