2-6-1101. Secretary of state — powers and duties — rulemaking authority. To ensure the proper management and safeguarding of public records, the secretary of state shall: (1) establish guidelines based on accepted industry standards for managing public records; (2) upon request of another executive branch agency, review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding executive branch agency filing systems and […]
2-6-1102. Department of administration — powers and duties. (1) To ensure compatibility with the information technology systems of state government and to promote adherence to records management principles and best practices, the department of administration, in consultation with the secretary of state, shall establish standards for technological compatibility for state agencies for records management equipment or […]
2-6-1103. Agency records management duties. Each department head shall administer the executive branch agency’s records management function and shall: (1) coordinate all aspects of the agency records management function in accordance with procedures prescribed by the secretary of state and the state records committee; (2) analyze records inventory data and examine and compare all inventories within the agency […]
2-6-1104 through 2-6-1106 reserved.
2-6-1107. State records committee — composition and meetings. (1) There is a state records committee composed of: (a) representatives of: (i) the department of administration; (ii) the legislative auditor; (iii) the attorney general; (iv) the secretary of state; (v) the Montana historical society; (vi) the governor; (vii) the clerk of the supreme court; and (viii) the state chief information officer; and (b) five members representing executive […]
2-6-1108. State records committee — duties and responsibilities. The purpose of the state records committee is to act as a resource for executive branch agencies and others by staying at the forefront of records management best practices. The committee shall: (1) gather and disseminate information on all phases of records management; (2) advise the secretary of state in […]
2-6-1109. Retention and disposition subcommittee — approval required for record disposal. (1) There is a subcommittee of the state records committee to be known as the retention and disposition subcommittee. The subcommittee is composed of the members of the state records committee who represent the following offices: (a) the department of administration; (b) the legislative auditor; (c) the attorney […]
2-6-1110 and 2-6-1111 reserved.
2-6-1112. Historic records — Montana historical society — powers and duties. To ensure the proper management and safeguarding of historic records, the Montana historical society shall: (1) establish and operate the state archives as authorized by appropriation for the purpose of storing, preserving, and providing access to historic records transferred to the custody of the state archives; […]
2-6-1113. Constitutional officer records — Montana historical society. (1) All constitutional officer records are the property of the state. The records must be delivered by outgoing constitutional officers to their successors, who shall preserve, store, transfer, destroy, or dispose of and otherwise manage them in accordance with the provisions of this section. (2) Within 2 years after […]
2-6-1114. Permanent records — agency responsibilities — state records center. (1) All permanent records no longer required in the current operation of the office where they are made or kept and all records of each agency or activity of the executive branch of state government that has been abolished or discontinued must be maintained by the […]