69-12-201. Supervision and regulation of motor carriers. (1) The commission has the power and authority and it is its duty to: (a) supervise and regulate every motor carrier in this state; (b) fix, alter, regulate, and determine specific, just, reasonable, equal, nondiscriminatory, and sufficient rates, fares, charges, and classifications for Class A motor carriers; (c) regulate the properties, facilities, […]
69-12-202. Encouragement of common carrier motor transportation. To fully secure adequate motor transportation facilities for all users of such service and to secure the public advantages thereof, the commission shall encourage a system of common carrier motor transportation within the state for the convenience of the shipping public. The maintenance of a common carrier motor transportation […]
69-12-203. Field inspectors. The commission may employ field inspectors to investigate and enforce the provisions of this chapter. Field inspectors employed by the commission are peace officers for the purpose of making arrests in connection with violations of this chapter and issuing summonses, accepting bail, and serving warrants of arrest. The field inspectors are empowered to […]
69-12-204. General administrative procedure. Insofar as possible and applicable, the provisions of statutes prescribing the procedure before the commission in cases involving rates, facilities, service, or other affairs of railroads in this state, including forms of applications, complaints, answers, orders, and notices of hearing; the conducting of hearings; compelling the attendance and testimony of witnesses and […]
69-12-205. Rules to reflect differences between carrier classes. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3), rules related to schedules, service, tariffs, rates, facilities, accounts, and reports must recognize the differences between types of Class A, Class C, Class D, and Class E motor carriers, as defined in this chapter, and must be just, fair, and reasonable […]
69-12-206. Investigations by commission. (1) Any investigation, inquiry, or hearing which the commission has power to undertake or to hold under the provisions of this chapter may be undertaken or held by or before any member of the commission or by and before any agent or examiner of the commission designated for the purpose by the […]
69-12-207. Temporary operating authority. (1) To enable the provision of service for which there is an immediate and urgent need to a point or points or within a territory having no carrier service capable of meeting such need, the commission may, in its discretion upon affidavits or such other evidence as it may deem sufficient and […]
69-12-208. Provisions for bus service. The commission, after 10 days’ notice and public hearing, shall have the power to compel all motor carrier bus lines under its jurisdiction to furnish, provide, and maintain such service, instrumentalities, equipment, facilities, and time schedules as shall promote the safety, health, comfort, and convenience of its passengers and employees and […]
69-12-209. Enforcement procedures. (1) Orders and final determinations of the commission in all proceedings pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must be enforced in the manner provided for by the commission in accordance with Title 69, chapter 14, part 1. (2) If any motor carrier violates the provisions of this chapter or fails or neglects to […]
69-12-210. Complaints. (1) The commission may conduct investigations and hear complaints to determine whether a motor carrier has violated any of the commission’s rules or orders or any provision of this chapter. (2) Following an opportunity for hearing and upon a finding that a motor carrier has violated any of the commission’s rules or orders or any […]