69-3-1201. Short title
69-3-1201. Short title. This part may be cited as the “Montana Integrated Least-Cost Resource Planning and Acquisition Act”. History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 157, L. 1993.
69-3-1201. Short title. This part may be cited as the “Montana Integrated Least-Cost Resource Planning and Acquisition Act”. History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 157, L. 1993.
69-3-1202. Policy — planning. (1) (a) It is the policy of the state to supervise, regulate, and control public utilities. To the extent that it is consistent with the policy and in order to benefit society, the state requires efficient utility operations, efficient use of utility services, and efficient rates. (b) It is further the policy of the […]
69-3-1203. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Abandonment costs” means the costs incurred for resources acquired and abandoned pursuant to a plan. (2) ”Consumer counsel” means the consumer counsel provided for in 5-15-201. (3) ”Demand-side management programs” means energy efficiency, energy conservation, load management, and demand response or any […]
69-3-1204. Integrated least-cost plan. (1) (a) The commission shall adopt rules requiring a public utility to prepare and file a plan every 3 years for meeting the requirements of its customers in the most cost-effective manner consistent with the public utility’s obligation to serve and in accordance with this part. (b) The rules must prescribe the content and […]
69-3-1205. Public comment — public meetings. (1) When developing a plan in accordance with this part and prior to submitting a plan to the commission, a public utility shall hold at least two public meetings in the utility’s Montana service territory to ensure a plan best meets the diverse goals of shareholders, ratepayers, and society. (2) After […]
69-3-1206. Rate treatment. (1) The commission may include in a public utility’s rates: (a) the cost of resources acquired in accordance with a plan; (b) demand-side management programs established and implemented in accordance with 69-3-1209; (c) the cost-effective expenditures for improving the efficiency with which the public utility provides and its customers use utility services; (d) the costs of complying […]
69-3-1207. Competitive solicitation process — Montana consumer counsel role. (1) (a) Except as provided in subsection (5), a public utility that intends to seek approval by the commission pursuant to 69-8-421 for the acquisition, construction, or purchase of an electricity supply resource shall conduct a competitive solicitation process. (b) A public utility may not prohibit a qualifying small […]
69-3-1208. Resource planning — advisory committee. (1) A public utility shall maintain a broad-based advisory committee to review, evaluate, and make recommendations on technical, economic, and policy issues related to a utility’s electricity system. (2) The committee may advise the utility on demand-side management, portfolio planning, and management and procurement completed in accordance with this part. History: En. […]
69-3-1209. Electric utility demand-side management programs. (1) The commission may establish energy savings and peak demand reduction goals for an electric utility, taking into account the utility’s cost-effective demand-side management potential and the need for electricity resources. (2) The commission shall permit electric utilities to implement cost-effective electricity demand-side management programs and conservation in accordance with 69-3-701 […]