7-12-4601. Authorization to create fire hydrant maintenance districts. Whenever the public convenience and necessity may require, one or more fire hydrant maintenance districts may be established in a city or town. History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 572, L. 1983.
7-12-4602. Resolution of intention to create fire hydrant maintenance district. (1) Before creating any fire hydrant maintenance district, the city council shall pass a resolution of intention to do so. (2) The resolution must designate the district number, describe the boundaries of the district, provide an estimate of the cost of any improvement and the cost of […]
7-12-4603. Notice of resolution of intent to create fire hydrant maintenance district. (1) Upon passing the resolution required by 7-12-4602, the council shall publish a notice of the passage as provided in 7-1-4127. A copy of the notice must be mailed to the last-known address of every person, firm, or corporation having property within the proposed […]
7-12-4604. Protest against creation of fire hydrant maintenance district. At any time within 15 days after the date of the first publication or posting of the notice of passage of the resolution of intention, an owner of property who would be liable for district assessments may make a written protest against the proposed improvement or the […]
7-12-4605. Consideration of protest. (1) At the next regular meeting of the city council after the expiration of the 15-day protest period provided for in 7-12-4604, the city council shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests, and its decision is final and conclusive. If the council finds that the owners of a majority of […]
7-12-4606. Resolution to create fire hydrant maintenance district. (1) The city council has jurisdiction to order the proposed improvements if: (a) no protests have been delivered to the clerk of the city council within the 15-day protest period provided for in 7-12-4604; or (b) protests have been found by the city council to be insufficient in number to […]
7-12-4607 through 7-12-4610 reserved.
7-12-4611. Resolution for assessment — assessment options. The city or town council shall estimate, as nearly as practicable, the entire cost of installing and maintaining fire hydrants each year and the portion thereof to be assessed against the property within the district. Before the first Monday in October, the council must pass and finally adopt a […]
7-12-4612. Collection method — utility options — resolution of assessment. The city council may assess the costs of fire hydrant maintenance through a resolution of assessment or it may collect the costs by assessing them along with water and sewer fees. History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 572, L. 1983.
7-12-4613 through 7-12-4620 reserved.
7-12-4621. Water user entities exempt from special assessments. Rights-of-way, ditches, flumes, pipelines, dams, water rights, reservoirs, equipment, machinery, motor vehicles, and other personal property owned by a nonprofit water company, water users’ association, irrigation company, canal company, ditch company, reservoir company, or similar nonprofit water user entity are exempt from every special assessment imposed by any […]