75-11-301. Intent, findings, and purposes. (1) The legislature, mindful of its constitutional obligations under Article II, section 3, and Article IX of the Montana constitution, has enacted this part. It is the legislature’s intent that the requirements of this part provide adequate remedies for the protection of the environmental life support system from degradation and provide […]
75-11-302. Definitions. Except as provided in subsections (2), (14), and (25), the following definitions apply to this part: (1) ”Accidental release” means a sudden or nonsudden release, neither expected nor intended by the tank owner or operator, of petroleum or petroleum products from a storage tank that results in a need for corrective action or compensation for […]
75-11-303 through 75-11-306 reserved.
75-11-307. Reimbursement for expenses caused by release. (1) Subject to the availability of money from the fund under subsection (6), an owner or operator who is eligible under 75-11-308 and who complies with 75-11-309 and any rules adopted to implement those sections must be reimbursed by the board from the fund for the following eligible costs […]
75-11-308. Eligibility. (1) An owner or operator is eligible for reimbursement for the applicable percentage as provided in 75-11-307(4)(a) and (4)(b) of eligible costs caused by a release from a petroleum storage tank only if: (a) the release was discovered on or after April 13, 1989; (b) the release occurred from: (i) an underground storage tank, as defined in […]
75-11-309. Procedures for reimbursement of eligible costs — corrective action plans. (1) An owner or operator seeking reimbursement for eligible costs and the department shall comply with the following procedures: (a) If an owner or operator discovers or is provided evidence that a release may have occurred from the owner’s or operator’s petroleum storage tank, the owner […]
75-11-310 and 75-11-311 reserved.
75-11-312. Review of corrective action plans and claims. (1) To ensure that the fund provided for in 75-11-313 is being used in the most efficient manner, the board may implement a program of third-party review for corrective action plans and claims. The board may submit a corrective action plan or claim for review by a qualified […]
75-11-313. Petroleum tank release cleanup fund. (1) There is a petroleum tank release cleanup fund in the state special revenue fund established in 17-2-102. The fund is administered as a revolving fund by the board and is statutorily appropriated, as provided in 17-7-502, for the purposes provided for under subsections (3)(c) and (3)(d). Administrative costs under […]
75-11-314. Petroleum storage tank cleanup fee — collection — penalties — warrant for distraint — statute of limitations. (1) Except as provided in subsection (4), each distributor shall pay to the department of transportation a petroleum storage tank cleanup fee for each gallon of gasoline, aviation gasoline, special fuel, or heating oil distributed by the distributor […]
75-11-315. Nonimpairment by state. In accordance with the constitutions of the United States and the state of Montana, the state pledges that it may not in any way impair the obligations of any loan agreement between the board and the board of investments by repealing the petroleum storage tank cleanup fee imposed by 75-11-314 or by […]
75-11-316 and 75-11-317 reserved.
75-11-318. Powers and duties of board. (1) The board shall administer the petroleum tank release cleanup fund in accordance with the provisions of this part, including the payment of reimbursement to owners and operators. The board may hire its own staff to assist in the implementation of this part. (2) The board shall determine whether to approve […]
75-11-319. Rulemaking authority — department and department of transportation. (1) The department may adopt rules necessary to administer its responsibilities under this part, including requirements for approval of corrective action plans. (2) The department of transportation shall adopt rules governing the collection of the petroleum storage tank cleanup fee. The rules may include, at a minimum, reporting […]
75-11-320. Other authorities unaffected. Payment of reimbursement, approval of a corrective action plan, or other action of the department or the board under this part does not affect the authority of the department or any other state agency to pursue an action authorized by Title 75, chapter 10, parts 4 or 7, or any other law […]
75-11-321. Criminal penalties. A person who knowingly misrepresents the date of discovery of a release, submits or causes to be submitted a fraudulent claim or document, or makes a false statement or representation in seeking or assisting a person to seek reimbursement under this part is subject to a fine not to exceed $10,000 for each […]
75-11-322. Liability — defense and exclusions. (1) A person has a defense against liability in a tort action for damages suffered as a result of an act or omission that constitutes a violation of this part, a rule adopted under this part, or a condition of a permit or authorization required by a rule adopted under […]