77-4-101. Geothermal leases authorized. (1) The board may lease state-owned lands, including the beds of navigable streams and the beds of navigable bodies of water, to persons, associations, or corporations for prospecting, exploration, well construction, and the production of geothermal resources. (2) The board may exercise business discretion in entering into leases under this part. History: (1)En. 21-2601 […]
77-4-102. Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise, in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) ”Geothermal development” means any of the operations or facilities necessary for the production of geothermal resources. (2) ”Geothermal resources” means the natural heat energy of the earth, including the energy, in whatever form, which may be found in any position and at any […]
77-4-103. Rules. The board shall adopt rules governing the issuance of geothermal resource leases and the conduct of all geothermal operations. The board may also require the applicant for a geothermal lease to pay an application fee. History: En. 81-2603 by Sec. 3, Ch. 111, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 81-2603.
77-4-104. Nature of geothermal resources. Geothermal resources are sui generis, being neither a mineral resource nor a water resource, but they are closely related to and possibly affecting and affected by water resources in many instances. History: En. 81-2602 by Sec. 2, Ch. 111, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 81-2602(part).
77-4-105. State retention of geothermal resources. No right to seek, obtain, or use geothermal resources has passed or shall pass with any existing or future lease of state or school lands. History: En. 81-2602 by Sec. 2, Ch. 111, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 81-2602(part).
77-4-106. Bonding requirements. The board may, at any time prior to the execution and delivery of a geothermal lease or at any time during the life of the lease, require a lessee to file with the department a bond to protect the rights of the state. The bond shall be in form and amount prescribed by […]
77-4-107. Compensation to surface lessee. The lessee of any geothermal lease shall compensate the surface lessee for any damage to the surface or leasehold interest caused as a result of the geothermal lease. The board may require the geothermal lessee to post a bond in an amount to be set by the board to insure the […]
77-4-108. Water rights in connection with geothermal development. If any geothermal development located on state land requires the utilization of water, the lessee may, at any time prior to 1 year before the expiration of the lease, make application to the board for permission to secure a water right to the land under the lease. The […]
77-4-109. Conflicting leases. Where there are conflicting leases, including but not limited to geothermal, coal, mineral, and oil and gas leases, embracing the same land, the person who first was issued a lease shall be entitled to priority of rights; provided, however, that the exercise of this priority shall not interfere with actual production from the […]
77-4-110 through 77-4-120 reserved.
77-4-121. Provisions of the lease. (1) A lease issued by the board gives the lessee, so long as the lessee complies with the terms and conditions of the lease, the exclusive right of possession of the lands or interests leased, subject to conditions contained in the lease. (2) In a geothermal resource lease granted there is reserved […]
77-4-122. Duration of lease. The term of each lease shall be for a primary term of 10 years and for so long thereafter as geothermal resources in paying quantities are produced, provided that all conditions and terms of the lease are fully performed by the lessee. History: En. 81-2604 by Sec. 4, Ch. 111, L. 1974; R.C.M. […]
77-4-123. Extension of lease. If geothermal resources are not being produced from the leased premises at the expiration of the primary term of the lease but the owner of the lease is then engaged in drilling on the premises for geothermal resources, then the lease term shall be extended for so long as the drilling operations […]
77-4-124. Operating agreements. Lessees may enter into agreements with other persons, associations, firms, and corporations for drilling and other operations on state lands, but no such operating agreements shall be binding upon the state until filed with the department and approved by the board. No drilling or operating agreement may affect the obligations of each individual […]
77-4-125. Pooling agreements and unit operations. (1) Nothing contained in this part or other related laws shall prevent the board from entering into agreements for the pooling of acreage for unit operations for the production of geothermal resources and apportionment of geothermal royalties on an acreage or other equitable basis or from modifying the royalty provisions […]
77-4-126. Royalties and rentals. Geothermal leases shall be issued at an annual rental of not less than $1 per acre, payable in advance and/or a royalty which shall not be less than 10% of the amount or value of steam or other forms of heat or energy derived from the production under the lease and sold […]
77-4-127. Disposition of royalties and other receipts. (1) The department shall credit fees collected under geothermal leases to the general fund. (2) All rentals, penalties, and bonuses shall be credited to the income fund of the grant to which the lands under each lease belong. (3) All moneys collected as royalties shall be credited to the permanent fund […]
77-4-128. Permission for and disposition of improvements. (1) A geothermal lessee of state lands has the right to place upon the leased lands a reasonable amount of improvements, provided that the improvements are directly related to the purpose of the lease. (2) Whenever another person becomes the geothermal lessee, the person shall pay the former lessee the […]
77-4-129. Procedure to fix value of improvements. (1) If the owner of any improvements on state lands of the type authorized by law at the time they were placed on the land desires to sell these improvements to the new lessee and they are unable to agree on the value of the improvements, the value must […]