80-8-301. Report of loss or damage — effect of failure to report. (1) A person suffering loss or damage resulting from the use or application of any pesticide by any person shall, within 30 days from the time the occurrence of the loss became known to the person, file with the department of agriculture a verified […]
80-8-302. Sampling and analysis. (1) The department shall have the authority to sample, inspect, and analyze pesticides or devices distributed within this state wherever and whenever and to the extent necessary to determine whether the pesticides or devices are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The department is authorized with a warrant or the […]
80-8-303. Embargo. (1) Whenever a duly authorized agent of the department of agriculture finds or has probable cause to believe that any pesticide or device is adulterated or misbranded, has not been registered under the provisions of 80-8-201, fails to bear on its label the information required by this chapter, or is a white powder pesticide […]
80-8-304. Investigation and enforcement authority. (1) In enforcing this chapter, the department or its authorized agents, upon reasonable cause, may enter upon private and public premises and property with a warrant or consent of the inhabitant or owner to inspect or investigate at reasonable times: (a) equipment used for applying pesticides; (b) actual or reported adverse effects caused […]
80-8-305. General violations — compliance orders. (1) Consistent with the provisions of Title 80, chapter 15, it is unlawful for a person: (a) to discard any pesticide or pesticide container in a manner that causes injury to humans, domestic animals, or wildlife or that pollutes any waterway in a way harmful to any wildlife in the waterway […]
80-8-306. Penalties. (1) A person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter or the rules issued under this chapter or who misrepresents, prevents, or attempts to prevent the department or its authorized agent in performance of its duty in connection with the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall […]