82-11-301. Authorization to join interstate compact for conservation of oil and gas. The governor of the state of Montana is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name of the state of Montana, to join with other states in the Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas, which was heretofore executed in the city of […]
82-11-302. Interstate oil and gas compact. The Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas referred to in the above section, and which it is hereby proposed to enter and to extend by agreement reads as follows: AN INTERSTATE COMPACT TO CONSERVE OIL AND GAS Article I This agreement may become effective within any compacting state at […]
82-11-303. Extension of expiration date. The governor of Montana is further authorized and empowered, for and in the name of the state of Montana, to execute agreements for the further extension of the expiration date of the Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas and to determine if and when it is in the best interest […]
82-11-304. Governor as member of interstate oil compact commission. The governor is the official representative of the state of Montana on the interstate oil compact commission, provided for in the Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas, and shall exercise and perform for the state of Montana all the powers and duties as a member of […]
82-11-305. Limitation on power of representative. This part may not be construed as granting any power to the representative of the state of Montana in the representative’s private or official capacity or to the interstate oil compact commission to prorate, allocate, regulate, or control oil or gas production or refined products of the production within the […]
82-11-306. Expenses of representative. The representative or the assistant representative appointed by the governor of the state of Montana to the oil compact commission must be allowed and paid the person’s reasonable expenses while engaged in the performance of official duties, and the person’s expenses and all other expense incurred in connection with the interstate oil […]