47-110. Jails; equipment; appointment of physician; duties of county board; physician’s report. It shall be the duty of the county board at the expense of the respective counties to provide suitable means for warming the jail and its cells or apartments and provide frames and mattresses for beds and such other permanent fixtures and repairs […]
47-111. Female prisoners; matron, deputy, or correctional officer; appointment; salary; oath; reports. In every county jail where there is a female prisoner, twenty-four-hour supervision shall be provided by a matron appointed by the county board, whose duty it shall be to have entire charge of the female prisoners, and the board may also in its […]
47-112. Jail conductor; appointment; salary. In counties having a population in excess of two hundred thousand inhabitants where the jail is situated above the ground floor and requires an operator for an elevator to transfer the prisoners to and from said jail, there shall be a jail conductor to operate said elevator, to be appointed […]
47-112.01. Transferred to section 47-119.
47-114. Jails; administrative visitation. The sheriff or such other person as may be charged with the administrative direction of the jail shall visit the jail in person and examine into the condition of each prisoner at least once in each month, and once during each term of the district court. Source R.S.1866, c. 29, § […]
47-115. Jailer; appointment; oath; liability of sheriff. The jailer or keeper of the jail, unless the sheriff elects to act as jailer in person or unless a county board of corrections exists and has assumed responsibility over the jail pursuant to sections 23-2801 to 23-2806, shall be a deputy appointed by the sheriff, and such […]
47-116. Jails; sheriff or jailer; neglect of duty; penalty. If the sheriff or jailer, having charge of any county jail, shall neglect or refuse to conform to all or any of the rules and regulations established by the Jail Standards Board, or to perform any other duty required of him or her by sections 47-101 […]
47-117. Jail, defined. For the purposes of Chapter 47, article 1, jail shall be defined to include a jail, house of correction, community residential center, work release center, halfway house, or other place of confinement of a person committed by any lawful authority to any suitable and appropriate residence, facility, center, or institution designated as […]
47-120. Care of prisoners; county board or county board of corrections; sheriff; duties; payment. The county board or county board of corrections serving pursuant to Chapter 23, article 28, shall provide proper quarters and adequate equipment for the preparation and serving of all meals furnished to all prisoners confined in the county jail. The county […]
47-122. Community work force program; established; activities authorized. Every county board or, in counties which have established such, the county board of corrections may establish a community work force program in which prisoners in the county jails may work on community service projects within that county. As used in sections 47-122 to 47-124, community service […]
47-123. Community service projects; inmate participation; good time; effect. Inmate participation in community service projects shall be voluntary and no extra good-time credit shall be given to inmates who participate in a community service project. In no event shall an inmate’s decision to participate or not participate in a community service project have any bearing […]
47-124. Community work force program; administration; rules and regulations. (1) In counties which have a county board of corrections, that board shall administer the community work force program and shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for such administration. In all other counties, the sheriff shall administer the program and adopt and promulgate the rules […]
47-201. City jails; regulation; duties and powers of Jail Standards Board. The Jail Standards Board shall, each January, and at such other time or times as it may deem necessary, prescribe written rules for the regulation and government of the municipal jails upon the subjects of (1) the cleanliness of the jail and prisoners, (2) […]
47-201.01. Telephone services for inmates; use of funds. (1) Each city jail shall make available either a prepaid telephone call system or collect telephone call system, or a combination thereof, for telephone services for inmates. Under either system, the provision of inmate telephone services shall be subject to the requirements of this section. (2) Under […]
47-201.02. Inmate communications; Jail Standards Board; duties. The Jail Standards Board shall ensure that city jails are providing inmates with means to communicate by telephone or videoconferencing with inmates’ families, loved ones, and counsel. Source Laws 2018, LB776, § 9.
47-202. Rules; copies; distribution; posting. The Jail Standards Board shall cause a copy of the rules to be delivered to the mayor or chief officer of the municipalities, and it shall be the duty of such mayor or other chief officer to cause a copy of the same to be furnished to the person in […]
47-203. Rules; amend; copies; distribution; posting. The Jail Standards Board may, as it may deem proper, amend the rules, and such amended rules and their copies shall be disposed of in the same manner as provided in section 47-202. Source Laws 1915, c. 208, § 3, p. 463; C.S.1922, § 3012; C.S.1929, § 47-117; R.S.1943, […]
47-204. Jail record; required entries; open for inspection; period maintained. The officer in charge of any municipal jail shall keep a written record which shall show the name of each person confined, the date of the commencement and termination of his or her confinement, the nature of the charge against him or her, and the […]
47-205. Jailers; reports; contents; filing. The officer in charge of any municipal jail shall on or before the first day of February of each year, for the preceding calendar year, and at such other times as he or she may be required by the Jail Standards Board, make out a written report and cause copies […]
47-206. Jailer; neglect of duty; penalty. The officer in charge of any municipal prison or jail who fails to comply with the provisions of sections 47-201 to 47-205 or the rules prescribed by the Jail Standards Board shall be guilty of a Class V misdemeanor. Source Laws 1915, c. 208, § 6, p. 463; C.S.1922, […]