US Lawyer Database

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NRS 1.010 – Courts of justice.

The following shall be the courts of justice for this State: 1. The Supreme Court. 2. The Court of Appeals. 3. The district courts. 4. Justice courts. 5. Such municipal courts as may from time to time be established by the Legislature in incorporated cities or towns. [1:19:1865; B § 910; BH § 2425; C […]

NRS 1.020 – Courts of record.

The following courts are courts of record: 1. The Supreme Court; 2. The Court of Appeals; 3. The district courts; 4. The Justice courts; and 5. The municipal courts: (a) In any case in which a jury trial is required; or (b) If so designated pursuant to NRS 5.010. [41:19:1865; B § 946; BH § […]

NRS 1.030 – Application of common law in courts.

The common law of England, so far as it is not repugnant to or in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States, or the Constitution and laws of this State, shall be the rule of decision in all the courts of this State. [1911 CPA § 532; RL § 5474; NCL § […]

NRS 1.050 – Places of holding court; stipulations of parties.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 3.100, the District Court in and for Carson City shall sit at Carson City. 2. Except as provided in subsection 5 or NRS 3.100, every other court of justice, except justice or municipal court, shall sit at the county seat of the county in which it is held. […]

NRS 1.060 – Adjournment on absence of judge.

If no judge attends on the day appointed, or to which court may have been adjourned before 12 m., the sheriff or clerk shall adjourn the court until the next day at 10 a.m., and if no judge attends on that day before 12 m., the sheriff or clerk shall adjourn the court until the […]

NRS 1.070 – Places of holding court may be changed.

A judge authorized to hold or preside at a court appointed to be held in a city, precinct or town, may, by an order filed with the county clerk and published as he or she may prescribe, direct that the court be held or continued at any other place in the city or county than […]

NRS 1.080 – Parties to appear at place appointed.

When the court is held at a place appointed as provided in NRS 1.070, every person held to appear at the court shall appear at the place so appointed. [54:19:1865; B § 959; BH § 2473; C § 2554; RL § 4874; NCL § 8416]

NRS 1.090 – Public sittings.

The sitting of every court of justice shall be public except as otherwise provided by law; but the judge of any court may exclude any minor during any criminal trial therein except such minor be on trial, or when testifying as a witness, or when the minor shall be a law student preparing to apply […]

NRS 1.116 – Removal of data stored on electronic waste.

1. Before disposing of electronic waste, each court of justice in this State shall permanently remove any data stored on the electronic waste. 2. As used in this section, “electronic waste” means electronic equipment that has been discarded, is no longer wanted by the owner or for any other reason enters the waste collection, recovery, […]

NRS 1.120 – Judicial days.

The courts of justice may be held, and judicial business may be transacted, on any day except as provided in NRS 1.130. [49:19:1865; B § 954; BH § 2468; C § 2549; RL § 4869; NCL § 8411]

NRS 1.130 – Nonjudicial days; transaction of judicial business.

1. No court except a justice court or a municipal court shall be opened nor shall any judicial business be transacted except by a justice court or municipal court on Sunday, or on any day declared to be a legal holiday according to the provisions of NRS 236.015, except for the following purposes: (a) To […]

NRS 1.140 – Courts required to have seals.

The Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the district courts, the justice courts and those municipal courts designated as courts of record pursuant to NRS 5.010 shall have a seal. [55:19:1865; B § 960; BH § 2474; C § 2555; RL § 4875; NCL § 8417]—(NRS A 1987, 122; 1991, 160; 2013, 1710)

NRS 1.150 – Clerk of district court to procure seal; form of seal.

The several district courts for which separate seals have not been provided heretofore, or the respective judges thereof, by an order in writing filed with the respective clerks of such courts, shall direct such clerks to procure such seals, which seals shall have the following inscriptions surrounding the same. “District Court, …………………… District, County of […]