The grand jury may inquire into all public offenses triable in the district court or in a Justice Court, committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the district court for which it is impaneled. (Added to NRS by 1967, 1408)
A district attorney shall not use a grand jury to discover tangible, documentary or testimonial evidence to assist in the prosecution of a defendant who has already been charged with the public offense by indictment or information. (Added to NRS by 1985, 1028)
1. In the investigation of a charge, for the purpose of either presentment or indictment, the grand jury can receive no other evidence than such as is given by witnesses produced and sworn before them or furnished by legal documentary evidence or by the deposition of witnesses taken as provided in this title, except that […]
1. If a witness resides outside this State or more than 100 miles from the place of a grand jury proceeding, the witness’s affidavit may be used at the proceeding if it is necessary for the district attorney to establish as an element of any offense that: (a) The witness was the owner, possessor or […]
1. If a witness resides more than 100 miles from the place of a grand jury proceeding or is unable to attend the grand jury proceeding because of a medical condition, or if good cause otherwise exists, the district judge supervising the proceedings of the grand jury must allow a witness to testify before the […]
During a grand jury proceeding, the district attorney and the grand jurors shall not: 1. Question an attorney or an attorney’s employee regarding matters which were learned during a legitimate investigation for a client. 2. Issue a subpoena for the production of the private notes or other matters representing work done by the attorney or […]
1. The grand jury is not bound to hear evidence for the defendant, except that the defendant is entitled to submit a statement which the grand jury must receive providing whether a preliminary hearing was held concerning the matter and, if so, that the evidence presented at the preliminary hearing was considered insufficient to warrant […]
1. The grand jury ought to find an indictment when all the evidence before them, taken together, establishes probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the defendant has committed it. 2. The defendant may object to the sufficiency of the evidence to sustain the indictment only by application for a […]
If a member of the grand jury knows or has reason to believe that a public offense has been committed, which is triable within the jurisdiction of the district court which has impaneled such grand jury, the member must declare such knowledge or belief to the member’s fellow jurors, who shall thereupon investigate the alleged […]
1. Each grand jury that is not impaneled for a specific limited purpose shall inquire into: (a) The case of every person imprisoned in the jail of the county, on a criminal charge, against whom an indictment has not been found or an information or complaint filed. (b) The condition and management of any public […]
The grand jury shall be entitled to free access, at all reasonable times, to all public prisons and to the examination without charge of all public records within its district. (Added to NRS by 1967, 1409)
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 172.139, the grand jury may issue subpoenas, subscribed by the foreman or by the deputy or temporary foreman when acting for the foreman, for witnesses within the State and for the production of books, papers or documents. 2. The grand jury shall orally inform any witness so subpoenaed […]
1. If a person who has been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury informs the district attorney that the person intends to refuse to testify and to assert the person’s constitutional privilege against self-incrimination, the district attorney shall: (a) Move for an order of immunity pursuant to NRS 178.572; (b) Challenge the existence of […]
The grand jury shall have the power, with the consent of the board of county commissioners, to engage the services of an attorney other than and in addition to the district attorney, certified public accountants, and such other skilled persons as may be necessary in the performance of its inquisitorial powers. (Added to NRS by […]
1. Whenever criminal causes are being investigated by the grand jury, it shall appoint a certified court reporter. If the certified court reporter is not an official reporter of the district court, the certified court reporter shall, before entering upon his or her duties, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office. The certified court […]
1. If an indictment has been found or accusation presented against a defendant, the stenographic reporter shall certify and file with the county clerk an original transcription of his or her notes and a copy thereof and as many additional copies as there are defendants. 2. The reporter shall complete the certification and filing within […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the following persons may be present while the grand jury is in session: (a) The district attorney; (b) A witness who is testifying; (c) An attorney who is accompanying a witness pursuant to NRS 172.239; (d) Any interpreter who is needed; (e) The certified court reporter who […]
1. A person whose indictment the district attorney intends to seek or the grand jury on its own motion intends to return may be accompanied by legal counsel during any appearance before the grand jury. 2. The legal counsel who accompanies a person pursuant to subsection 1 may advise his or her client but shall […]
1. A person whose indictment the district attorney intends to seek or the grand jury on its own motion intends to return, but who has not been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury, may testify before the grand jury if the person requests to do so and executes a valid waiver in writing of […]
1. The disclosure of: (a) Evidence presented to the grand jury; (b) Information obtained by the grand jury; (c) The results of an investigation made by the grand jury; and (d) An event occurring or a statement made in the presence of the grand jury other than its deliberations and the vote of a juror, […]