1. Every person who acts as a lobbyist during a regular or special session shall, not later than 2 days after the beginning of that activity, file a registration statement with the Director in such form as the Director prescribes, unless the person qualifies for an exemption or exception from the requirements to register as […]
The registration statement of a lobbyist must contain the following information: 1. The registrant’s full name, a recent photograph of the registrant and: (a) The name of the registrant’s business or employer, if any, and the permanent business address, telephone number and electronic mail address of the business or employer; (b) If different from paragraph […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, a registrant shall file a supplementary registration statement with the Director after any change in the information in the registrant’s most recent registration statement, including, without limitation, any change in the information relating to: (a) Any address, telephone number or electronic mail address; or (b) The representation […]
1. If, during a regular or special session, a registrant ceases the activity that required registration, the registrant shall, within 30 days after ceasing that activity, file with the Director a notice of termination of session activity. 2. If a registrant files a notice of termination of session activity, the filing of that notice does […]