1. It is the policy of this State to strengthen and further promote broad, inclusive and meaningful engagement by the general public and interested stakeholders in the activities of the State Government by adopting methods of public participation and public comment that incorporate the use of the Internet and Internet tools. To assist in carrying […]
1. The State Administrative Manual is hereby created. The Director of the Department of Administration or the Director of the Office of Finance shall compile and publish in the State Administrative Manual any policies and procedures adopted or amended by the State Board of Examiners pursuant to NRS 353.040. 2. In addition to complying with […]
The director or chief executive officer of each of the departments established by law within the Executive Branch of State Government shall conduct such investigations and studies as he or she deems necessary to determine the most efficient and economical use of the personnel of the department. The director or chief executive officer may transfer […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 483.290, 483.860 and 486.081, with respect to any activity or transaction in which a state agency accepts an identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles to identify a person, the state agency may also accept a consular identification card, permanent resident card or […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, each state agency shall recycle or cause to be recycled the paper and paper products, electronic waste and other recyclable materials it produces. This subsection does not apply to: (a) Construction and demolition waste; or (b) Confidential documents if there is an additional cost for recycling those […]
1. Before disposing of electronic waste, each state agency shall permanently remove any data stored on the electronic waste. 2. As used in this section, “electronic waste” means electronic equipment that has been discarded, is no longer wanted by the owner or for any other reason enters the waste collection, recovery, treatment, processing or recycling […]
1. The head of each agency of the Executive Department shall designate one or more employees of the agency to be responsible for developing and biennially revising a language access plan for the agency that meets the requirements of subsection 2. 2. A language access plan must assess existing needs of persons served by the […]
As used in NRS 232.0083 to 232.0087, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Commission on Minority Affairs” means the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs of the Department of Business and Industry created by NRS 232.852. 2. “Minority group” means: (a) A racial or ethnic minority group; (b) A group of persons with disabilities; or […]
Each state agency shall make a reasonable effort to: 1. Collaborate with members of minority groups in the development and implementation of policies and programs of the state agency that directly affect minority groups. 2. Ensure that programs and services offered by the state agency are accessible to and inclusive of minority groups. 3. Communicate […]
Each state agency that interacts or communicates with minority groups or offers programs and services that affect minority groups shall, to the extent practicable, designate a diversity and inclusion liaison. The diversity and inclusion liaison shall: 1. Assist the state agency with: (a) Promoting effective communication with minority groups; (b) Promoting cultural competency in providing […]
A state agency that designates a diversity and inclusion liaison pursuant to NRS 232.0085 shall: 1. Publish on its Internet website the name and contact information of the state agency’s diversity and inclusion liaison. 2. Provide the name and contact information of the state agency’s diversity and inclusion liaison to the Office of Minority Health […]
1. At least once each year, the Office of Minority Health and Equity, the Commission on Minority Affairs and the Office for New Americans shall collaborate to facilitate a meeting between diversity and inclusion liaisons designated pursuant to NRS 232.0085 and representatives of various minority groups to make recommendations regarding and address: (a) Matters of […]