All that portion of the present County of Lander lying within the following boundaries: East of a line drawn north and south through a point on the Central Pacific Railroad track, 3 miles west of the machine shop of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, situated in the Town of Carlin, and north of a line […]
The boundary lines of the County of Elko are hereby defined and established as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Utah Territory and running thence south along the western boundary of Utah Territory to the present southeast corner of Elko County, as established by an act of the Legislature of the State of Nevada, […]
The territory described in NRS 243.115 is detached from Elko County and attached to and made a part of Eureka County. [Part 1:24:1877; cited BH §§ 5016, 5017; cited C § 5105; RL § 1464; NCL § 1892]
A line beginning at the southeast corner of Section 15 and the northeast corner of Section 22, T. 26 N., R. 70 E., on the Utah-Nevada line, running thence westerly on the south line of Sections 15, 16, 17 and 18 through T. 26 N., R. 70 E.; thence westerly on the south line of […]
The county seat of Elko County is located at the City of Elko in Elko County. [Part 1:94:1869; B § 4075; cited BH § 5016; cited C § 5105; RL § 1458; NCL § 1885]