The provisions of NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, apply only to cities located in a county whose population is 700,000 or more. (Added to NRS by 1967, 1601; A 1969, 1538; 1979, 526, 790; 1989, 1914; 2001, 605; 2003, 2783; 2011, 1161; 2019, 570)
It is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination that: 1. Sound urban development is essential to the continued economic development of this State. 2. Municipalities are created to provide the governmental services essential for sound urban development and for the protection of health, safety and welfare in areas being used for residential, commercial, […]
As used in NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive: 1. “Contiguous” means either abutting directly on the boundary of the annexing municipality or separated from the boundary thereof by a street, alley, public right-of-way, creek, river or the right-of-way of a railroad or other public service corporation, or by lands owned by the annexing municipality, by […]
The governing body of any incorporated city, whether incorporated or governed under a general act, special legislative act or special charter enacted, adopted or granted pursuant to either Section 1 or Section 8 of Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, may extend the corporate limits of such city under the procedures […]
Any city exercising authority under NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, shall make plans for the extension of services to the territory proposed to be annexed and shall, at least 20 days before the public hearing provided for in NRS 268.590, prepare and file with its city clerk a report setting forth the plans to provide […]
1. The governing body of any city may extend the corporate limits of the city to include any territory which meets the general standards of subsection 2 and every part of which meets the requirements of subsection 3, 4, 5 or 6. 2. The total area proposed to be annexed must meet the following standards: […]
In addition to initiating annexation proceedings on its own motion pursuant to NRS 268.584, the governing body of any city shall commence action in accordance with the provisions of NRS 268.584 to 268.590, inclusive, upon the petition of the board of county commissioners, or upon the petition of a majority of the owners of real […]
The governing body of any city desiring to annex territory under the provisions of NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, shall first pass a resolution stating the intent of the city to consider the annexation. The resolution must: 1. Describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed; 2. Fix the date for a public […]
1. The notice of public hearing must: (a) Fix the date, hour and place of the public hearing. (b) Describe accurately the territory proposed to be annexed. (c) State that the report required in NRS 268.578 will be available at the office of the city clerk of the annexing city at least 20 days before […]
At least 20 days before the date of the public hearing, the governing body of the annexing city shall approve the report provided for in NRS 268.578 and shall make the same available to the public at the office of the city clerk. In addition, the governing body may direct the preparation of a summary […]
1. At the public hearing a representative of the annexing city shall first make an explanation of the report provided for in NRS 268.578. 2. Following such explanation, any record owner of real property within the territory proposed to be annexed shall be given an opportunity to be heard. 3. Any protest to such annexation […]
1. If a majority of the property owners protest the annexation, either orally or in writing at the public hearing or in writing within 15 days after the conclusion of the public hearing, the city shall not annex in that proceeding any part of the territory described in the notice. This provision does not preclude […]
1. Whenever it is necessary for the purposes of NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, to determine the number or identity of the record owners of real property in a territory proposed to be annexed, a list of such owners, certified by the county assessor on any date between the institution of the proceedings, as provided […]
If a city annexes territory which is not included within its existing boundaries, the territory annexed includes the following: 1. If the annexed territory abuts upon one side of a county road, state highway or railroad and the territory which abuts upon the opposite side of the road, highway or railroad is not within the […]
The annexation ordinance must contain: 1. Specific findings showing that the territory being annexed meets the requirements of NRS 268.580. The external boundaries of the territory being annexed must be accurately described. 2. A statement of the intent of the annexing city to extend services to the territory being annexed as set forth in the […]
1. As an alternative to the procedures for annexation set forth in NRS 268.578 to 268.596, inclusive, the governing body of a city may, subject to the provisions of NRS 268.595, annex territory: (a) That meets the requirements of subsection 2 of NRS 268.580 if all of the owners of record of individual lots or […]
1. Whenever an incorporated city annexes territory in accordance with the provisions of this section and NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, the city clerk of the annexing city shall, not less than 10 working days after the adoption of the ordinance approving the annexation, send by certified mail to each public utility and rural electric […]
1. A county assessor may request that the governing body of a city realign one or more of the boundary lines between the city and the unincorporated area of the county or between two cities to adjust a boundary that bisects a parcel of land causing the creation of more than one tax parcel from […]
From and after the effective date of the annexation, the territory annexed and its inhabitants and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the annexing city and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the annexing city. The newly annexed territory shall […]
1. Whenever the corporate limits of any city are extended in accordance with the provisions of NRS 268.570 to 268.608, inclusive, the governing body of such city shall cause an accurate map or plat of the annexed territory, prepared under the supervision of a competent surveyor or engineer, together with a certified copy of the […]