1. The town board or board of county commissioners may appoint from the residents of an unincorporated town one chief of police and as many other peace officers as may be necessary, not exceeding seven. Two-thirds of the peace officers must be named and appointed by a majority of the board, and one-third by a […]
1. The boards of county commissioners of the various counties of this State may levy and collect a tax of not exceeding one-half of 1 percent upon the assessed value of property within any unincorporated town for the benefit of the police department of the town. 2. The board of county commissioners shall prescribe the […]
Any officer having the direction of the police in a town shall order a force sufficient to keep the peace to attend any public meeting, when the officer is satisfied that a breach of the peace is to be apprehended. [82:108:1866; B § 2680; BH § 1717; C § 1863; RL § 2832; NCL § […]
A police department or other law enforcement agency of a town shall, within 7 days after receipt of a written request of a person who claims to have sustained damages as a result of a crash, or the person’s legal representative or insurer, and upon receipt of a reasonable fee to cover the cost of […]