Any surety on the official bond of the State Treasurer or any county or city officer, or on the official bond of any executor or administrator, or on the bond or undertaking of any person, where, by law, a bond or undertaking is required, may be released from all liability thereon accruing, from and after […]
1. Any surety desiring to be released from liability on the bond of the State Treasurer shall file with the Governor or Secretary of State a statement in writing duly subscribed by the surety, or someone in the surety’s behalf, setting forth: (a) The name and office of the person for whom the surety is […]
1. If any officer or person fails within 10 days from the date of a personal service, or within 30 days from the date of the first insertion of a publication or posted service, to file a new or additional bond or undertaking, the office or appointment of the person or officer so failing shall […]
In case a new or additional bond or undertaking is filed, the sureties on the original bond or undertaking, not asking to be released, and on the new or additional bond or undertaking shall be and continue liable for the official acts of such officer or person jointly and severally, the same as if all […]
Whenever a statement is filed, or filed and served, as provided in NRS 282.180 to 282.220, inclusive, the proper authority shall prescribe the penalty or amount in which a new or additional bond or undertaking shall be filed, and if no such order be made, then such new or additional bond or undertaking shall be […]