US Lawyer Database

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NRS 288.140 – Right of employee to join or refrain from joining employee organization; exceptions; discrimination by employer prohibited; limitations on nonmember acting on own behalf; membership of law enforcement officer.

1. It is the right of every local government employee, subject to the limitations provided in subsections 3 and 4, to join any employee organization of the employee’s choice or to refrain from joining any employee organization. A local government employer shall not discriminate in any way among its employees on account of membership or […]

NRS 288.150 – Negotiations by employer with recognized employee organization: Subjects of mandatory bargaining; matters reserved to employer without negotiation; reopening of collective bargaining agreement during period of fiscal emergency; termination or reassignment of employees of certain schools.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6 and NRS 354.6241, every local government employer shall negotiate in good faith through one or more representatives of its own choosing concerning the mandatory subjects of bargaining set forth in subsection 2 with the designated representatives of the recognized employee organization, if any, for each appropriate bargaining […]

NRS 288.151 – Reduction in workforce of school district.

Notwithstanding the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement or contract of employment to the contrary: 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 to 6, inclusive, if the board of trustees of a school district determines that a reduction in the existing workforce of the licensed educational personnel in the school district is necessary, the […]

NRS 288.153 – Agreement must be approved at public hearing; publication of documents and materials by governing body; report of fiscal impact of agreement.

1. Any new, extended or modified collective bargaining agreement or similar agreement between a local government employer and an employee organization must be approved by the governing body of the local government employer at a public hearing. 2. Not less than 3 business days before the date of the hearing, the governing body shall cause […]

NRS 288.165 – Recognized employee organization to file annual report with Board.

1. Each employee organization recognized by a local government employer in this State shall file a report with the Board during November of each year. 2. The report required by this section shall include: (a) The full name of the employee organization. (b) The name of each local government employer which recognizes the employee organization. […]

NRS 288.170 – Determination of bargaining unit; appeal to Board.

1. Each local government employer which has recognized one or more employee organizations shall determine, after consultation with the recognized organization or organizations, which group or groups of its employees constitute an appropriate unit or units for negotiating. The primary criterion for that determination must be the community of interest among the employees concerned. 2. […]

NRS 288.180 – Notice by employee organization of desire to negotiate; request for information; commencement of negotiations; exemption.

1. Whenever an employee organization desires to negotiate concerning any matter which is subject to negotiation pursuant to this chapter, it shall give written notice of that desire to the local government employer. If the subject of negotiation requires the budgeting of money by the local government employer, the employee organization shall give notice on […]

NRS 288.190 – Mediation: Selection and duties of mediator; cost.

Except in cases to which NRS 288.205 and 288.215 apply: 1. Anytime before March 1, the dispute may be submitted to a mediator, if both parties agree. Anytime after March 1, either party involved in negotiations may request a mediator. If the parties do not agree upon a mediator, the Commissioner shall submit to the […]

NRS 288.200 – Submission of dispute to fact finder: Selection, compensation and duties of fact finder; submission to second fact finder in certain circumstances; effect of findings and recommendations; criteria for recommendations and awards.

Except in cases to which NRS 288.205 and 288.215, or NRS 288.217 apply: 1. If: (a) The parties have failed to reach an agreement after at least six meetings of negotiations; and (b) The parties have participated in mediation and by April 1, have not reached agreement, either party to the dispute, at any time […]

NRS 288.210 – Subpoenas of fact finder; powers of district court.

1. For the purpose of investigating disputes, the fact finder may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses before the fact finder, together with all books, memoranda, papers and other documents relative to the matters under investigation, administer oaths and take testimony thereunder. 2. The district court in and for the county in which any […]

NRS 288.215 – Submission of dispute between firefighters or police officers and local government employer to arbitrator: Hearing; determination of financial ability of local government employer; negotiations and final offer; effect of decision of arbitrator; content of decision.

1. As used in this section: (a) “Firefighters” means those persons who are salaried employees of a fire prevention or suppression unit organized by a political subdivision of the State and whose principal duties are controlling and extinguishing fires. (b) “Police officers” means those persons who are salaried employees of a police department or other […]

NRS 288.217 – Submission of dispute between school district and employee organization to arbitrator: Selection of arbitrator; hearing; determination of financial ability of school district; negotiations and final offer; effect of decision of arbitrator; content of decision.

1. The provisions of this section govern negotiations between school districts and employee organizations representing teachers and educational support personnel. 2. If the parties to a negotiation pursuant to this section have failed to reach an agreement after at least four sessions of negotiation, either party may declare the negotiations to be at an impasse […]