1. The Government Employee-Management Relations Board is hereby created, consisting of five members, broadly representative of the public and not closely allied with any employee organization, any labor organization, the Executive Department or any local government employer. 2. Not more than three of the members of the Board may be members of the same political […]
1. The members of the Board shall annually elect one of their number as Chair and one as Vice Chair. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any three members of the Board constitute a quorum, and a majority of a quorum present at any meeting may exercise all the power and authority conferred on […]
1. Each member of the Board is entitled to receive a salary of not more than $80, as fixed by the Board, for each day in which the member is engaged in the business of the Board. 2. While engaged in the business of the Board, each member and employee of the Board is entitled […]
[Replaced in revision by NRS 288.139.]
1. The Board may make rules governing: (a) Proceedings before it; (b) Procedures for fact-finding; (c) The recognition, as defined in NRS 288.136, of employee organizations; (d) The designation of the exclusive representative of a bargaining unit in accordance with the provisions of NRS 288.520, 288.525 and 288.530; and (e) The determination of bargaining units. […]
The Board shall provide for an expedited review of a complaint filed by an employee pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 281.755. To facilitate such a review, the Board shall: 1. Create and make available a form to be used by an employee to file a complaint; 2. Authorize the Commissioner to resolve such a […]
1. For the purpose of hearing and deciding appeals or complaints, the Board may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses before it, together with all books, memoranda, papers and other documents relative to the matters under investigation, administer oaths and take testimony thereunder. 2. The district court in and for the county in which […]
Every hearing and determination of an appeal or complaint by the Board is a contested case subject to the provisions of law which govern the administrative decision and judicial review of such cases. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1382; A 1977, 64)